I would like to add a perspective to this discussion regarding pornography viewing. It will pertain to both men and women. Because of our technologically advanced society, (as compared to centuries ago), we have developed the ability to create realistic projections of people through digital cameras, DVD’s and Web Cams.
I believe it is significant to recognize the spiritual implications of pornography viewing, not simply as a bad habit, which God sees as sexual immoral, but as a manner of worship. If you look into a mirror, you are not actually seeing yourself, but you are seeing a reflection of yourself, identical in every way, but nonetheless, a copy.
This same fact is applicable to anything we view on a computer, a television, movie projection, through a webcam or on the pages of pornographic magazines. These are not people, they are copies of people, perfect reproductions of the original. The point is, that these are images.
In times when such technology was not available, man fashioned images from wood, stone and paintings on canvas or other materials. The worship of women is actually rooted in Babylon, where Ishtar was worshipped by Nebuchadnezzar II, where her temple housed her carved image. Her temple was also known for its ‘sacred prostitution’, carried out as a manner of worship by women, who believed they actually became the goddess when they laid with the men who came to the temple. Other names for Ishtar are, Isis, The goddess, moon goddess, queen of heaven (Jer.7:18), and Dianna (Acts 19:35).
In our time, being considerably more advanced, idolatry has taken on a whole new meaning and we no longer create images from stone, clay or wood, but we have perfected the practice of idolatry especially ‘the worship of women’, and the images have never been more realistic. While this may be more common among men, the same principle applies to those lusting after the images of men, children or animals.
Romans 1:23 …they exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images