We consistently see on forums that Legalists are under the law as they always preach that ones righteousness is determined by works of the law.
Consider this quote below from your fellow legalist, gotime.
Rom 4:5 tells us that our faith is counted for righteousness. Christians believe on Jesus, thus our faith is counted for righteousness. This gospel of Christ contradicts the legalists claim that we must be under the law proving righteousness.
Actually this is a classic example where you are ignoring what John says and keeping what Paul says to suit your doctrine.
Both Paul and John are right, If your view does not harmonize both truths then you have error.
Yes Righteousness is imputed by faith in Christ, That same righteousness converts the person so that they do righteousness. Its the gift of God.
Ill say again,
Do you try not so sin? then you by default are trying to keep the law. You just don't want to say the words.
For example again, If a thief accepts Jesus by Faith and by faith is given the Holy Spirit which by faith in Jesus changes the heart and the thief stops stealing then he is keeping the law, thou shalt not steal.
Have you not in your walk with Jesus stopped sinning in some way the sins you used to do?
I hopes so, Why then do you doubt that God can give you victory in everything?
Tell me this, If I lusted in my heart before I came to Christ and then By Faith I accept Jesus death in my place and by Faith my sins are forgiven and by Faith I accept the new life through the working of the Holy Spirit and by Faith God gives me a new heat and I do not lust in the heart anymore. Then by default I am keeping the commandment thou shalt not covet.
Is that legalism?
If there not fruit?
is there not change in the life?
Is there not power in the blood?
As I have said before If a cripple who could not walk tells me Jesus has healed him by faith and yet he can not walk. he is either a liar or deceived.
Simple cause and effect when Jesus heals, cripples walk.
When one sins less because of Faith in Jesus, one is automatically keeping the law more because of faith in Jesus.
You are taking my post out of context, it is the inevitable result of Faith in Jesus not the means of salvation. two very different things.
SO when a thief comes to me and says that Jesus has given him a new life and yet they continue to steal even though they know its wrong. well either a liar or deceived.
What people need is more faith in Jesus and His promises.