Anyone who has read enough of my posts on these issues should know that I have a very balanced view of them. I do not deny for one second any of the responsibilities that God has placed on the husband with regard to his wife. And, I know full well what they are...
You will find positively-promoted sufficiently-emphasized viewpoints of all of them in my posts. )
If you think that I have the kind of mentality that says it is O.K. for a husband to abuse his wife or treat her as though she were "just his slave" ( or anything even remotely close to it ), you have not been reading my posts with a proper perception of what is being said in them.
However - just because a husband is commanded to be 'patient' with his wife, for example - does not mean that it "gives her license" to "push the envelope" with it. ( Just as a husband is not "given license" to "go over-board" with regard to his [ "God-given privilege" of ] authority over the wife. )
"Everything in balance..."
I have a --
both husband and wife should do as God commands, teaches, and instructs -- kind of mentality.
Right now, I can think of only two woman on CC - who have ever ( to my knowledge ) "explicitly-enough" stated - in one form or another - that they whole-heartedly believe, accept, and follow the commandment 'wives, obey your husbands'...
As far as I am concerned --- if you are not such a woman -- you have little room to speak on this subject - because, you have already departed from the will of God on this issue. ( i.e., you are in disobedience to the commandment of God )
And - yes - the same applies to men with regard to the commandment of God to them concerning their wives.
Whether you be man or woman - if you cannot whole-heartedly accept all of what God says on these issues -- with regard to husband
and wife --- then, your problem is with God. It is as simple as that.
*I* do not have a problem with this. So - please don't ever think that I am "one-sided" on these issues. Because, I am most certainly not.
*I* am capable of talking about any particular 'facet' of these issues without having to take a defensive stance --- how about you...???
Unfortunately, whenever a discussion of these issues gets focused on a particular 'facet' of these issues -- the whole thing suddenly gets "lopsided" because some seem to "forget" that it is being discussed "in view of the overall picture"...
Then, those who cannot [ seem to ] handle discussing that specific 'facet' apart from "the overall picture" -- start pulling out all of the other facets in order to try to "balance" the discussion.
In another thread, you have invoked an appeal to "stay on topic" --- in this thread, you have done the opposite...
"What is that all about...???"
I see the OP as an expression of a particular man's point of view on the specific issues raised in the OP. Nothing more. Nothing less. (
And, I have not said that I totally agree / disagree with everything he has stated. )
I don't believe he intended to 'slam' women with it.
I believe he is trying to help women understand the man's perspective and concerns with regard to these issues...
And, we know where the threads that try to help women understand a man's point of view end up... )
Some of you folks really need to learn how to not "react" so quickly when a "touchy" subject comes up...
( By the way --- I am not even especially fond of this thread. But, it does make some good points about the perspective and concerns of men with regard to these issues... )