Grapefruit juice and citrus in general shouldn't be taken with prescription meds because it reduces the efficacy of the drug. Which means that it doesn't work as well as it could (or should). It's like drinking alcohol with meds, but alcohol INCREASES the effect of the drug (illicit or legal) in the body's system.
Yes, meds do come with various warnings. But with drugs like Abilify the half life (the time it takes to leave your system) is longer then say a decongestant. The type of drug Abilify is is meant to build up in the system so it can constantly work. It's like stacking books over a certain amount of time.
Lav, I'm going to scold you a bit. You shouldn't have stopped cold turkey, love! That was VERY, VERY dangerous! The withdrawal you're going through sounds moderate to severe, and I'm sorry to say, you're going to have a few days of your current symptoms.
Here's your homework: write true things (like God's love, how precious you are, how you're not alone, etc) on pieces of paper and hang them up around the house and where you hang out most in the house. Carry some with you, and when you start to feel fear, sadness, paranoia, or anything like that, pull out those papers and read them. Or write out your favorite scriptures. It will help calm you down, it will provide Godly peace, it will remind you how precious you are. Friday isn't far away. You can absolutely survive this!
And Lil, I'm sorry my reply was so abrupt and harsh. At that moment all I could think of was her going into shock, having a seizure, etc. I knew the consequences of mixing supplements with prescriptions, and I was afraid for lav. Please forgive me.