That is speaking of a special type of "aperitiff" or after dinner wine. It was common among Greeks and Romans, but not among the Semitic peoples. Nor was it common to the lower classes, since it was extremely expensive. Again, you are ignoring the hosts claim that the good wine was intoxicating. He draws that comparison to the wine he was drinking.
Unfermented wine is a term that was used by Dr Welch to describe the grape juice that he made (by taking out the fermentation process that will naturally will occur with crushed grapes.
Also, check out the post by "
Standing Firm In Christ" that shows an actual screen capture of an old dictionary on the word "wine." Please note that you have to understand that it defines the word "liquor" as NOT an alcoholic substance. Here is the link to that.[
I'm sorry that God doesn't work in a way that makes sense to you, but His ways are not our ways. Jesus changed the water into the wine of Heaven. It would be intoxicating to a human to taste something so pure. The wine used for the Passover was fermented wine (in fact it has to be by Jewish law). Jesus drank that wine on many occasions. He was never drunk nor given to drunkeness. Alcoholic wine is not evil. Its what you do with it that makes it evil.
I agree that it is what you do with things that makes something evil. A woman who is beautiful is not evil. But if a man looks upon her in lust, then that is evil. But in the Old Testament, there were things that were considered unclean, though. They were not to eat certain animals because they were unclean, etc. We have a liberty in Christ now (to eat any animal meat and drink soberly and in private) that they did not have before the cross. Before the cross, it was forbidden to even look at certain alcoholic beverages that were high in alcoholic content. For wine is a mocker and it can bite you like a serpent and those who are deceived by it are not wise. In other words, the Israelites were not allowed to drink alcoholic beverages that were super high in alcoholic content whereby they would have gotten drunk off it. Today we have a liberty in Christ, but we have to be careful with that liberty, though. For if we make our brother to stumble, then we are making our good as evil spoken of. That is why I ddon't believe the wine was highly intoxicating at the Wedding. For if it was, then folks who were "well drunk" of such a substance (John 2:10) would have been drunk; And drunkenness is a sin (1 Corinthians 6:10).
You act like alcohol is the cause of alcoholism, or that drugs are the cause of drug addicts. The addiction is to a substance, but that addiction exists because of a problem with the person. You act like sin is a tangible thing, when instead sin is something that is done.
News flash, my friend. Drugs are addictive. People have to sometimes be gradually still be given a drug bit by bit until it is completely out of their system before they are drug free. Drugs like alcohol offer no nutritional value. The substance seeks to destroy your body. For alcohol dries things out and people who have abused alcohol have serious medical problems. In other words, while certain things may be lawful for you, not all things are profitable, though. For example playing around outside while there is heavy lightning outside may be lawful, but it is not profitable.