Wow. If you are a true born again Christian, and adhere to the doctrine of OSAS, does that automatically label someone as not caring about sinning? "having no real accountability" "No true goodness" "Only evil."? That's a mighty fine judgment you have there and tons of assumptions.
I'm here to tell you that I believe that I'm eternally kept by God's saving grace but I still WANT to do good, I still feel accountable and still strive for goodness.
I think you should reevaluate your stance on OSAS.
Actually, over the many years in my discussions against OSAS, I have cataloged three major types of OSAS.
OSAS Type #1:
Classic OSAS (Once Saved Always Saved) which says you can practice unrepentant sin that leads unto death (Such as lying, murder, hate, fornication, etc.) and yet you can somehow still be saved. This is the most popular form of OSAS.
OSAS Type #2:
Mid Range OSAS says that you cannot practice sin otherwise you do not know God. However, abiding in an occasional or small unrepentant sin and then dying in that sin will not necessarily send you to Hell.
OSAS Type #3:
OSAS Lite teaches that you if you practice or continually abide in unrepentant sin then you were never saved to begin with. Meaning that a true believer is characterized by them living righteously. So falling away from the faith would be impossible (Despite the many verses that talk about such a thing).
Personally, I believe in the Biblical View of "
Conditional Salvation" that teaches that a true believer who is saved will naturally bring forth a life full of holiness and fruitful works. Now, do not misunderstand me, works are not done to be saved, but they are merely the evidence that you have been saved when one repents and accepts Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. If a believer sins, they need to immediately confess that sin and forsake it and continue to walk uprightly with their Lord. If a believer continues to abide in unrepentant sin that leads unto death (lying cheating murder etc.) then they are not saved.
So seeing I hold to the Biblical View of "Conditional Salvation", I am naturally against all forms of OSAS. However, that said, I believe that only those who hold to "
Conditional Salvation" and "
OSAS Lite" are true Christians (or my brothers). I believe all other forms of OSAS are teachings from the pits of Hell.