Biscuit, I think you refer to Ezekiel 38-39? I have not regarded that as part of the Battle of the Valley of Jehoshphat (staged from the area of plain of Mt of Megiddo). If you have some reason to connect that with the with the Armageddon thing, please share it with me. I don't claim to be an expert on Ezek 38-39.
Armageddon is a 3 part attack against Israel: 1st: Russia & Arab nations
2nd: Remnant of Russian army & China
3rd: Satanic Antichrist demand rest of world join the attack against Israel. And Jesus Christ arrives in time to destroy those forces.
But taking Ezek 38-39 to refer to Russia, I don't see that as implying Russian weakness. Is not Rosh defeated by God Almighty? I see Russia as the leader of the Eastern side of the 2 legged Roman Empire. So I don't expect either side to be able to permanently dominate the other (East vs West). What I see seems to me to be great folly on the part of the USA and Europe as thinking that Russia would sit still while the West gathered all the former pieces of the Soviet Union around Russia into Nato & the EEC. One could ask why after the Cold War was over, why didn't the West admit Russia into Nato, since they were no longer communists, or disband Nato, and all be equal friend countries. But I am now just musing.
World War 1 & II
BTW, my guess is that the USA will be destroyed in a nuclear war, as it doesn't seem to exist in the Tribulation as anything significant
While the Scriptures name the players against Israel for the battle of Armageddon, it is silent on the players who are defeating Satan's forces. My guess is the West is defending Israel, including the U.S., which would be by far the stronger power for the West. That's just my two cents.