On the answer to these questions hangs the very heart of God's church, God's bride. One side says that Christ came to divide and cancel, so the church is a divided house that is soon to fall. The other side says that Christ was planned from the beginning, Christ was from the beginning, and all our world is and always has included Christ.
One side sees Christ in the sacrificial system used before Christ lived as a man, the other side says Christ deleted, got rid of, destroyed the sacrificial system. One side says the Levi priests showed the world Christ, the other side says Christ destroyed the old Levi priests. One side says that men were told to include the awareness of Christ and God in everything they did from washing hands to foods they chose to eat through rituals, just as we have the Holy Spirit today to listen to as guides to awareness of everything we do centered on Christ, the other side says that is only Judaism that Christ wiped out and destroyed. One side says the New Covenant wiped out everything but that, covenants aren't to be trusted at all, the other side says the New is wonderful and is an even better agreement with our loving and merciful God. One side sees the improvements, the other side works for destruction.
One side is for destruction, for division in the church. They don't want to build or make anything better, they just want destruction. The other side is for God and the church.