You are either unaware of the passages that condemn alcoholic drinks in the OT, or you are ignoring them, or you have twisted them to favor alcohol by some wild stretch of the imagination. As for Jesus' words on defilement: well, Christ was preparing everyone for the New Testament. What He was teaching was not in the Law. It was to be a part of the New Testament, which would not go into effect until he died.
That is the opposite of what Christ did.
He proclaimed the Law in it's fullest.
He fulfilled the Law in it's fullest.
He showed the Pharisees what the Law really said, and cast off all of the man-made rules that people had attached to the Law.
He also highlighted for them that the Law was not only physical obedience, but even obedience in thoughts and attitudes and motives and wording!
He showed them that NONE of them had obeyed the Law.
He shows us that ALL of us have been found guilty in the sight of God.
Praise Him for eternity! He also gave us a way out of the Judgement we deserve.
What Jesus said about defilement was in accordance to the Law, not against it.
Christ preached nothing contrary to the Law.
If He did preach anything contrary to the Law, yet the Law was still in effect,
then He would be promoting people to sin, no?
From your own argument on this thread, Jesus would not cause others to sin.