Excuse me?
You are the one who went off on the "I'm on the higher road and you're not" rant directed towards SolidGround.
Scripture mentions how leaders in the church are not to drink. I have provided verses to that in my post titled 21 Warnings. Please address those verses if you disagree.
We all know the verse in question is a parable. You remind me of a Geico commercial. "Everybody knows that."
I was not informing people it was a parable as if they didn't know that. I merely stated it as a parable because that is what it is.
But why did Jesus say to put the wine in new wineskins?
Yes, I already said this before. I believe new fresh crushed grape juice is fermenting and it will burst the old wine skins or bottles because those old wine skins had already went thru the fermentation process.
However, if you believe the new wine is juice that needs to ferment, then you have in effect just admitted that "new wine" in the Bible can be freshly squeezed grape juice. But did Jesus approve of the drinking habits of men by saying that no man puts new wine into old wine skins (Which suggests that men drank fully fermented wine)?
No, it does not. For if this was the case, then people could conclude that Jesus is not God.
For Jesus said, "Why do you call me good? There is none good but God."
Should we also conclude that we are gods? Jesus said we are gods.
Was Jesus in favor of Ceasar because he said to render to Ceasar to what is Ceasars when he held up his coin?
Yes, I have no doubt that His people are to obey the law of the land (Because all authority is placed under God), but that does not mean Jesus wants people to render their lives to Ceasar instead of God.
Jesus also said the Kingdom of God is like leaven (yeast) that a woman took and placed into three measures of meal (flour). Leaven is always a type of sin. Are we to say that sin is associated with the Kingdom? No, most certainly not.
Read the verses above verse 39 in Luke chapter 5. You will see that the "Old" is in reference to the Pharisees's traditions. For Jesus is calling sinners to repentance and not the righteous (or those who think they are self righteous like the Pharisees). So the "Old" in both parables is the Pharisees false old mind set.
Fermentation, correct?
Please just answer the question with a "Yes" or "No."
Can you do that?
Your question is loaded like a baked potato so as to force the answer you want (So as to color alcohol as if it is this beautiful thing; When in reality it destroys lives every several minutes). New wine (or freshly crushed grape juice) is usually (not always) fermenting is not fully fermented wine because it takes time to fully ferment into an intoxicating substance.