Im bit mixed to be honest. I see adopting as a hard thing not short term or long term. When kids grow up they want to know their heritage and ancestry and if I adopted, as a mother it would be hard to have a kid who wanted to know about their birth parents (which I suppose they have every right to).
You are definitely right in that it can become difficult when the adopted child wants to know about their birth parents. Most adoptees, at some point, will want to know about their past. And I can certainly understand that the adoptive parents may feel betrayed ("What?? Why would you want to know about them when I'm the one who provided for and raised you? Aren't we enough?" etc.)
I do wonder how to make it known to my child that they were adopted, I suppose with an international adoption the child would always be aware they came from elsewhere so it wouldn't be so difficult to approach the issue, otherwise it would be more difficult, I suppose that is a decision my partner and I would have to make.