I am struggling with the fact that my 16 year old son is gay. Ever since he was VERY young he showed signs of femininity. Over the years, he has been bullied in so many ways but the most common was being called gay, faggot and all the other names you associate with homosexuality. He has been to counseling and finally when he was 14, one night he had a major breakdown. He cornered himself in his room and wouldn't let me come near him. He said he couldn't do it anymore. Finally, I got him to admit that he was gay (not what I wanted to hear, because of the beliefs that I grew up with). But here was my son, tormented with trying to deal with who he was and who he was suppose to be. How do you deal with this as a mother? I love my son unconditionally and I have told him this on numerous occasions. We have a very close relationship but I admit I am very protective. A preacher told me once that you are not born gay but that the devil has influenced the behavior of a person. I don't believe that my son chose this way of life because he fought it so hard for so long. I have no one to talk to about this, I need to know how to lead my son to Our Lord Jesus Christ. God gave me the responsibility to care and nurture His child but I feel I have failed. Please help!!