Thanks. Is there a website? I don't have YouTube.
there probably is a website, but i'm not aware of it. all the healthy clinics that have cured cancer, diabetes, leukemia, asthma, arthritis, high blood pressure and a host of other problems all did so
the same
city of washington tx has done now for over ten years in the public eye/ televised frequently.
the people who published this information from 1940 until recently were blacklisted by the bigpharma companies, by most ama type doctors, and by a lot of deceived pastors, teachers, news/media groups, and so on ---- all the big money backed the toxins in our food chain, in the air, and in the water supply (and in drugs/immunizations that had devastating effects almost always), and refused to ever admit it.
all the information is in the bible !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (yes, like ripley's believe it or not! --- all the disease is warned about in the scripture, and how to avoid all the plagues that affect most of the people around us is clearly described in the bible).
there are hundreds of books about this available, having been published over the last hundred plus years, very effectively exposing the governments and the medical industry that thrives on profitmongering and deception.
one by a pastor is 'god's key to health and happiness' - by pastor josephson, who was told go home and die - you have six months at most to live (because of 'terminal' cancer). god had other plans, and pastor josephson recovered like the mayor in washington texas did (from terminal cancer with only a few months given by licensed ama doctors to live). the mayor has been cancer free for over ten years or so now, and pastor josephson lived about 60 (SIXTY) more years disease free.
any book by adelle davis, or by dr.max gerson, or by maureen salaman, or by the diamonds(fit for life, I and II), is wonderful and delightful on how to live a life free from disease even in old age.
and one more great example, the oldest probably, is 'back to eden' by jethro kloss.
all of these show clearly that the curse causeless shall not come. (i.e. disease does not occur without a reason).