The Ultimate Conspiracy Theory

  • Thread starter JustinFromTwinCities
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The illuminati are just puppets to Lucifer. Our "leaders" are not in control of this world, Lucifer is. You can think we are a Christian nation, but there is no such thing.

Lucifer is deceiving everyone with every worldly system. He controls the left, the right. The black, the white. Catholicism, Islam, Mormonism, Hinduism, The Watchtower etc. He controls the nations of the west, the east, the UN, the Knights of Malta, the Jesuits, the freemasons, the new age movement, the muslim brotherhood, ISIS, the black pope, the white pope, the banks, the corporations, Hollywood, the media and the people who do not know and walk with Christ etc.

He does so through extreme deception on every level to turn us against each other and cause us to think that we have worldly causes to fight for or vote for, worldly things to get angry about. He controls/deceives us through fear of pain and death, he controls/deceives us through our fleshly lusts and desires, he controls/deceives us by offering us power and wealth and respect, he controls/deceives us by creating money out of nothing and lending it to the nations, he controls/deceives us by taking our focus off of what is important and tricking us into focusing on things which have no significance, he controls/deceives us by filling the world with so much nonsense about God and himself that the only way you can find truth is to diligently seek it (weighing everything against Scripture).

The reason why the "illuminati" is known and has their symbolism everywhere is this - To trick us into thinking they are the enemy! They are just bad/deceived people.

Our battle is not against flesh and blood (nations or secret societies, religious denominations or mega-corporations, ethnicities or sexual deviants, sports teams or terrorists, laws or political groups). Only Christ matters, all else is deception. Love is what we are to become, conformed to Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit in accordance with the truth of the Scriptures to glorify God.

Just remember, God is good and His plan is perfect. Lucifer and "the powers that be" are merely playing their roles in God's plan and then they will be no more. These people are not to be hated, envied or feared. They are to be prayed for and loved in the hopes of their freedom and salvation. Just be grateful that YOU were not created to play their roles.
Nov 23, 2013
Nicely put... but you forgot to add Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostals, Presbyterian, Lutheran etc. are also in complete control by the devil. The body of Christ is not divided.


The only answer is to understand what is truly going on. To pursue spiritual maturity in Christ to be able to resist the temptations and fears of Lucifer and our flesh. To become love and light and salt which does what is good simply because it is good (out of love for God and people). That is not swayed or corrupted by the wickedness of this world. That does not return evil for evil. All of our words and actions will either bring about life or bring about death. There is no middle ground. Everyone in your lives will be affected by who you choose to serve, by who you choose to become. Do not do what is good out of fear of judgement, do what is good because that is what mature spiritual beings (children of God) do. There will be no place in the Kingdom of God and eternity for those who chose to be self seeking, hateful, evil, perverse and malicious.

This world is not a "test" created by an evil and uncaring God, to determine if you are worthy of a magical "heaven". It is the place where our Father is raising us, His children to become like His Son.

By "do what is good" I do not mean be legalistic. But allow the Holy Spirit to conform your inner man to Christ and you will naturally begin to produce good fruits.

1 Corinthians 13
"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned,[a] but have not love, I gain nothing.

4 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant 5 or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;[b] 6 it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. 7 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
8 Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away.11 When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways. 12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.
13 So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love."



Nicely put... but you forgot to add Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostals, Presbyterian, Lutheran etc. are also in complete control by the devil. The body of Christ is not divided.
Yes brother, very true. God's children exist scattered within all of these, yet the systems themselves are not of God.


Nicely put... but you forgot to add Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostals, Presbyterian, Lutheran etc. are also in complete control by the devil. The body of Christ is not divided.
What a steaming pile of crap! Who are the 'true' Christians then? The enemy isn't that big and God isn't that small.


There are "true' Christians scattered within all denominations. Even the more cultish and perverse denominations. But that doesn't mean all members of these denominations are 'true' Christians.

The enemy is that big, but only as big as God has allowed, to serve His purposes. If Satan had free roam over this earth we would have been destroyed long ago. He has a limited form of power, a power which depends on our free will and the free will of others. An example of where Satan was given rare power over a man is in Job.
Nov 23, 2013
What a steaming pile of crap! Who are the 'true' Christians then? The enemy isn't that big and God isn't that small.
Read Isa_14:13 then you will know who the true Christians are.... they are not a part of the congregation that Lucifer lords over.

Isa_14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:


What a steaming pile of crap! Who are the 'true' Christians then? The enemy isn't that big and God isn't that small.
If you examine the structure and practices of these denominations and churches with fresh eyes you will find many problems with how they conduct "church". I'll list a few examples:

Many of them have a hierarchy of men over other men. A priesthood/pastors/clergy and laymen. This is unBiblical as all believers are equal under Christ. While it is true that each member of the body has its own different purposes (and that there should exist elders within a community of believers), these denominations take it waay to far. You walk into these churches and speak with other members of the congregation for a few minutes, shake hands/greet each other and then take your place in a pew. The pews only face forwards, limiting your contact with your brothers and sisters and causing you to focus on the "important person" who then begins with his sermon. You sit there quietly until he finishes his performance and then "church" is over. You maybe hang out for a while and talk to friends saying things like "wow, I really liked the sermon" or "that was boring" but most tend to leave shortly after the "service". - This structure hurts everyone involved in it. For one it puts an unnecessary stress upon the "leader" to somehow be responsible for the salvation of everyone in the congregation through a one hour lesson once a week. Two, it creates a huge group of sheep which have no way to contribute to the body of Christ, thereby isolating them and making them easy target with little spiritual development. Three, it limits the Holy Spirits ability to lead and teach believers when they come together. - I believe that we Christians should come together as family, far more often and naturally than this. Remove the priesthood, remove the seats of honor, Jesus is our priest. Let each person share as they are led and let us interact as though we are all loved and valued members. Our faith does not grow by simply by hearing, but by loving, by giving. Each person has things to contribute and the greatest testimony of our faith is how unbelievers see us interacting with each other.

This structure is based off of Roman Catholicism and worldly ideals and created by Lucifer and by men who do not understand Christ.

There are more problems, but this is a good start. You see 'true' Christians can exist within these systems, but the systems themselves are not of God.
Nov 23, 2013
Anybody participating in a denominational church (any of them) is being spoon fed Illuminati doctrine... i.e. 7 year tribulation, Antichrist covenant with Israel, Jews inherit the promised land, all bibles have errors, real truth is found in the original languages etc. Almost everything the "Christian" believes is Illuminati doctrine straight from the pit of hell.


ummmmmm.....okay. Seems like a broad brush you're painting with.
Nov 23, 2013
ummmmmm.....okay. Seems like a broad brush you're painting with.
I disagree Sirk and I think it's easy to see, just look at the doctrines that the denominations teach. Any denomination teaches that the inerrant word of God only exists in the original writings is under the control of spiritual wickedness in high places. They are putting the believer back into the same darkness that the Roman Catholic church put their members under.... you can't understand the bible for yourself, you have to come to us and let us tell you what it means. I don't want make this a bible debate.. this is just one of many falsehoods taught by the denominations. Christian Zionism is another big one. They take the promises made to Christ (God's second born) and give it to Israel (God's firstborn). A total inversion of the doctrine of the second born getting the blessings from God.
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Senior Member
Dec 11, 2014
I do believe that the Illuminate is just the name for the small group of collective world leaders with lots of earthly powers (money and influence) who are guiding this world to the "idea" world they think they created but was actually put there by evil in the spiritual realms, and believe that they are chosen by divine powers (its almost a known fact that many powerful people have beliefs tied into pagan ideas of multiple gods and every religion being tied into as one, all filled with power that comes from secret knowledge). Whether or not they are an occult group as well? I actually dont doubt it. The woman who wrote that book "The Secret", a book about a group of spirits named "Abraham" (of course theyd mock the man chosen to form Gods nation) says that she contacted these spirits through psychic writing, a form of witchcraft done by using a pen on paper, holding your hand still, and letting the pen move on its own to answer your questions. I actually have done this before I came to God, I played with an ouiji board with a friend, and the ghost of some dead woman told me to talk to her with a pen and paper. Of course it was a demon trying to get me to kill myself so I could be with "her", but my point is that it is very real and demons use this to decieve us. But anywho, she wrote her book on the teachings of the demons that she believes are ancient spirits whove always existed guiding our world to a greater good given to her while communication with them. And she says that these beings (demons) told her that they actually communicate with the world leaders this way. So I am actually almost certain that our worlds most powerful people contact these demons, believing they are gods leading them as their "chosen" people to make the world in their vision. The funny thing is that what they believe is actually biblical, but not in the way they are being tricked into thinking.

The enemy is not your flesh, it is the powers of the earth and evil in the heavenly realms. Satan is finding ways to make our world feel not only okay about sin, but proud of it to the point that the earth will shun those warning against it, by using laws, and our mass social media all in order to make you believe that God and spirits are a foolish thing to believe, that sin is just human nature and cant be controlled, and that human beings are high and righteous beings with no need to repent. So yes I do believe that the world is guided by a secret society of powerful men who are lead by a society of fallen angels coming to lead you astray from God in their effort to act against Him. And sadly people will believe the man on tv telling them they are too smart to believe in God over believing the One who tried to warn them of everything that is happening just as He warned us.

It is real, whether or not it really is called "the illuminate", and it is trying to lead you away from God with all its might.


I do believe that the Illuminate is just the name for the small group of collective world leaders with lots of earthly powers (money and influence) who are guiding this world to the "idea" world they think they created but was actually put there by evil in the spiritual realms, and believe that they are chosen by divine powers (its almost a known fact that many powerful people have beliefs tied into pagan ideas of multiple gods and every religion being tied into as one, all filled with power that comes from secret knowledge). Whether or not they are an occult group as well? I actually dont doubt it. The woman who wrote that book "The Secret", a book about a group of spirits named "Abraham" (of course theyd mock the man chosen to form Gods nation) says that she contacted these spirits through psychic writing, a form of witchcraft done by using a pen on paper, holding your hand still, and letting the pen move on its own to answer your questions. I actually have done this before I came to God, I played with an ouiji board with a friend, and the ghost of some dead woman told me to talk to her with a pen and paper. Of course it was a demon trying to get me to kill myself so I could be with "her", but my point is that it is very real and demons use this to decieve us. But anywho, she wrote her book on the teachings of the demons that she believes are ancient spirits whove always existed guiding our world to a greater good given to her while communication with them. And she says that these beings (demons) told her that they actually communicate with the world leaders this way. So I am actually almost certain that our worlds most powerful people contact these demons, believing they are gods leading them as their "chosen" people to make the world in their vision. The funny thing is that what they believe is actually biblical, but not in the way they are being tricked into thinking.

The enemy is not your flesh, it is the powers of the earth and evil in the heavenly realms. Satan is finding ways to make our world feel not only okay about sin, but proud of it to the point that the earth will shun those warning against it, by using laws, and our mass social media all in order to make you believe that God and spirits are a foolish thing to believe, that sin is just human nature and cant be controlled, and that human beings are high and righteous beings with no need to repent. So yes I do believe that the world is guided by a secret society of powerful men who are lead by a society of fallen angels coming to lead you astray from God in their effort to act against Him. And sadly people will believe the man on tv telling them they are too smart to believe in God over believing the One who tried to warn them of everything that is happening just as He warned us.

It is real, whether or not it really is called "the illuminate", and it is trying to lead you away from God with all its might.
Ya, I kind of messed up by starting with mentioning the illuminati. I wrote this thread in response to a question about the illuminati but its much bigger than just the "illuminati".


Anybody participating in a denominational church (any of them) is being spoon fed Illuminati doctrine... i.e. 7 year tribulation, Antichrist covenant with Israel, Jews inherit the promised land, all bibles have errors, real truth is found in the original languages etc. Almost everything the "Christian" believes is Illuminati doctrine straight from the pit of hell.
I hold to these thoughts brother, "7 year tribulation, Antichrist covenant with Israel". I do not believe in a pre tribulation rapture or hell as an eternal place of torment for sinners though. Do you have a thread where you explain your thoughts on these "7 year tribulation, Antichrist covenant with Israel"?


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2014
Christ tells us Himself, those who do not follow Him are cast into the place created for satan and his minions. Why do you think satan is trying so hard to deceive you into walking into it?


Exactly what systems are of God?
These days? Really none, there used to exist atleast one that comes to mind. Namely Israel, but it even Israel was not free from the influences from Satan and deception


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2014
Anybody participating in a denominational church (any of them) is being spoon fed Illuminati doctrine... i.e. 7 year tribulation, Antichrist covenant with Israel, Jews inherit the promised land, all bibles have errors, real truth is found in the original languages etc. Almost everything the "Christian" believes is Illuminati doctrine straight from the pit of hell.
I am certain that God knew exactly how the various versions of the bibles would be translated. How many people know the original languages so that they may read for themselves? There is no error in any major revisions or versions, just a lack of understanding. In the bible it says to not forsake the gathering of together in assemblies. I guess we are all going to hell then because there is no reliable documentation of the Word of God to live our lives by and all denominations are inherently evil.


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2014
What a steaming pile of crap! Who are the 'true' Christians then? The enemy isn't that big and God isn't that small.
I am in complete agreement with you, brother.
Sep 30, 2014
Our battle is not against flesh and blood (nations or secret societies, religious denominations or mega-corporations, ethnicities or sexual deviants, sports teams or terrorists, laws or political groups). Only Christ matters, all else is deception. Love is what we are to become, conformed to Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit in accordance with the truth of the Scriptures to glorify God.

Just remember, God is good and His plan is perfect. Lucifer and "the powers that be" are merely playing their roles in God's plan and then they will be no more. These people are not to be hated, envied or feared. They are to be prayed for and loved in the hopes of their freedom and salvation. Just be grateful that YOU were not created to play their roles.
Good post, I like this part...

"Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:"