if one were to follow you around for 24 hours or one week it would undoubtedly be sins of omission or commission very evident in your life whether you admit it or not.
i do not knowingly or willingly commit any sin, that does not say i do not sin. if i wear a shoe that has leather in it, and another person is offended because an animal had to die for that shoe to be made, because i offended that person i have sinned, yet i did not knowingly commit that sin, i did not know that person would be offended. i do all things to please Jesus Christ, are you suggesting that is impossible to do? To do all things to please Jesus Christ. Only those who are selfish and live in sins will say it is impossible to please Jesus in all things, it is an excuse.
There is NO sin that you do that you can't cease from. If you think there is a sin that you can't cease from then reveal it, tell us what that sin is, that you can't possibly cease from. seriously what sin do you do that you CAN'T cease from? oh, so you can cease from them, i guess the question is WHY don't you then? Selfishness is the answer, you don't want to, would be the answer, your not willing to, would be another answer. IF you were true to your own self, you take that sin that so easily besets you, and figure out WHY you are not ceasing from it, and if you were Truly honest you would admit it is because you love to commit that sin. For who knowingly and willingly commits a sin that they hate to do? lol. Those who knowingly and willing commit sin, that is to say knowingly do something which they know is against God, WANT to do it. So you think it is impossible to walk like Jesus did, tell me what sin do you do that you can't cease from. All of you, be prepared to answer to Jesus Christ when you stand before Him on Judgement Day, this question "Why did you not cease from them" What would your answer be to Him? "Lord, i didn't think it was possible" will that be your answer?
following you around is not necessary however simply following your own link to your website proves in fact that you are sinning,
Tell me, is it Godly to accuse someone of sinning without revealing the sin they are being accused of?
You accuse me of sinning, yet have not shown one thing that i have said that is sinful or even one thing that i have said that is contrary to Scriptures. This is then a false accusation against a Christian brother is it not? Unless you show where i have done this sinning that you accuse me of.
I will leave it to other readers to click on the link and determine for themselves in what way.
Thank you Jesus. Because if left to you, you have already condemned me, without showing any evidence to why?
the sins that I saw on your website are so grievous that you probably should consider repenting.....
In the Lords Name, Jesus Christ i will be able to repent of any sin that have committed, if you would be kind enough to reveal what sin you think i committed? And a grievous one at that. Tell me, how can i repent of a grievous sin, if you do not reveal where i have done this evil wicked thing. How can i repent, if you do not show me what i have said that you consider to be a grievous sin? Would you have me be unrepentant of it, unforgiven of it? Do you love me? if you did you would reveal to me this grievous sin, so i can take it to the Lord and repent of it. Do you love me?
ironically it's something you're unlikely to do considering you don't believe you're sinning.
if i don't think i am sinning, would that not be all the more reason to show me Scriptures to show that i am sinning? Or is it easier for you to just accuse others of sinning, without trying to help that person at all, just accuse and move on, is that right? Your absolutely right, it is not something i am unlikely to do, if i don't know what it is that i need to repent of. And who's fault is that i do not know what to repent of, if you do not tell me what i have said that sinning?
may the lord have mercy upon you
Thank you, that was very kind of you, i hope so too.
^i^ Responding to post# 209