Thank you for replying. I cannot discuss the feasts.. I have my understanding which is yet to be completed, and having heard varying viewpoints of understanding my reply could only cause another vein to pop up in this thread. Jesus Christ crucified is all any ned know in profundity for salvation, so for now, I must opt out on this. Yahweh bless you andhold you close..........
But from my understandings, if you understand the 7 feasts in Torah, Yeshua has not yet fulfilled the last 3 feasts, that is unless we all missed His 2nd coming.
It states that no one knows the day or hour if His return. This is actually a reference to the new moon which the first fall feast (The feast of trumpets) is on a new moon, and when He returns what will we hear? A trumpet blast.
After that He will judge the nations which would be Yom Kippur.
After that He'll establish a kingdom, and we will dwell with Him. Which is what Sukkot (feast of tabernacles/dwelling) is.
Also He stated the law will not pass until earth and heaven have passed away. Which is prophesied in revelations.
so based off of this the law is still in place.
Now if someone is looking for salvation in the law, that's where they'd be wrong, because salvation is through Messiah.
In my walk in Torah I have grown closer to God and have had more clear sense what Yeshua did. It has made a plethora of scriptures more clear to me.
It states that no one knows the day or hour if His return. This is actually a reference to the new moon which the first fall feast (The feast of trumpets) is on a new moon, and when He returns what will we hear? A trumpet blast.
After that He will judge the nations which would be Yom Kippur.
After that He'll establish a kingdom, and we will dwell with Him. Which is what Sukkot (feast of tabernacles/dwelling) is.
Also He stated the law will not pass until earth and heaven have passed away. Which is prophesied in revelations.
so based off of this the law is still in place.
Now if someone is looking for salvation in the law, that's where they'd be wrong, because salvation is through Messiah.
In my walk in Torah I have grown closer to God and have had more clear sense what Yeshua did. It has made a plethora of scriptures more clear to me.