There is plenty of Science in the Bible.
Eternal Productions - 101 Scientific Facts and Foreknowledge
But we have to realize that God is the Creator of the Universe and He is not bound by the laws of physics (for He created them). So when Jesus turns water into wine, that is a miracle and not something we can repeat in Science. God can do anything He wants and He calls us to have faith in His Word and not in Science so falsely called.[/QUOTE
Faith in His Word, yes the LIVING Word ,Christ, God manifest in the flesh., He that is the
Word of God, He that Justifies you by FAITH in His completed Work... at the Tree... He that Imputes HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS upon you WHEN you belief in His Work at the Tree, is the Only Way to be 'saved'.... yes Faith in the WORD OF GOD, Jesus the Christ, God manifest in the flesh, He that has become a Quickening Spirit... some have 'faith' , but its in the LOGOS only , but they dont know the LIVING LOGOS, God manifest in the flesh, He that makes the 'logos" COME ALIVE! Jesus ran into these 'faith in His Word' people when He was here the first time, He rebuked them, because they accused, slandered, were not led of the Spirit, but were children of their 'father', their spiritual father, but fluent and had Faith in God's Word, got so bad they put the Word of God on their clothing, to show everybody how Righteous they really were... but they were not... same today! indeed!