Do You Commit Sin?

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Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012
DiscipleDave said
i do not knowingly or willingly commit any sins. if i do sin, it is not intentionally. Strange thing for Jesus to teach and say to a woman and a man to "Go and sin no more" if that was NOT what they were suppose to do. Is it not written to get rid of the sin that so easily besets you. Why would the Apostles teach us how NOT to sin, if it was not required for us to do so? But here is what sin is though, when you fail to LOVE ONE ANOTHER, you commit sin.

Under the old covenant you commit sin by breaking a law, statutes, or an ordinance. Such as if a person stole something from another, they commit sin because they break the law Thou shalt not steal.
Under the new covenant you commit sin by not Loving one another. Such as if a person stole something from another, they commit sin because they failed to love the one they stole from.

1Jn 3:22 And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.
1Jn 3:23 And this is his commandment, That we should
1) believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and 2) LOVE ONE ANOTHER, as he gave us commandment.
1Jn 3:24 And he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us.

Jesus only dwells in those who LOVE ONE ANOTHER, NOT those who fail to LOVE ONE ANOTHER.

Hey that's pretty good Dave... I still knowingly and willing still sin sometimes. I'm not too concerned with sin in my life, I've learned that the Christian life is about loving God and loving people and has little to do with sin. That was the point of this thread. It's impossible for a believer to commit a sin because all things are lawful for Christians. I think it's a good idea to not sin and I think that's why Jesus told those 2 to go and sin no more.... however I doubt they were able to do it.
Seriously, you doubt that man did not sin. This man was lame for 38 years. 38 YEARS waiting for the moving of the water and ever year someone else stepped in to get healed first. For 38 years he was in that condition, waiting, thinking that he is never going to get healed, never going to be the first one to step in the moving water, thinking he is going to die there. Jesus comes along and heals him and says to him "Go and sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you" you serioursly think that this man sinned again after going through 38 years of suffering and disappointment year after year? You think he went and committed another sin, contrary to what Jesus just instructed him not to do? You do error not knowing or understanding this particular Truth. i assure you that man did not sin again. Do you know how i can know that, because if i can do it, i know that he did it as well. if i can "Go and sin no more" i know you can do that same, all can do that same, you just choose not to do it.

What you say above
I've learned that the Christian life is about loving God and loving people and has little to do with sin.
This is True, however when you fail to love, you commit sin, and there is where sin is MOST important in a Christians life. If you steal something, you failed to love the person you stole from, you commit sin. This is serious and should not be overlooked. Also the Apostles seem to teach and do teach to get sin out of your life. So then if they are instructing Christians to get rid of the sin that so easily besets you, then it would seem to be pretty important that Christians do so. Scriptures plainly teach "Awake to righteousness and sin not" Strange thing to instruct Christians if all things are lawful for Christians. If all things are lawful for Christians, then why are the Apostles teaching Christians to cease from sinning? You said
I still knowingly and willing still sin sometimes.
Why? i mean, why are you knowingly and willingly doing something that you know full well is against Jesus Christ, yet you choose to do it anyways, my question is WHY? Another question, that particular sin that you knowingly and willingly commit sometimes, can you not cease from it? Then the Question is WHY are you not ceasing from it? Tell me, does that particular sin make Jesus happy or sad? Does that particular sin make you happy and not Jesus?
Sin is evil, wicked, darkness. Christians are to have nothing to do with the likes of that stuff. A little bit of leaven, leaveneth the whole lump. What does Scriptures teach about a tree that produces one small bad fruit? it is a bad tree. That tree can have 1000 good apples, but if it has one little apple that is bad on it, the whole tree is bad, because of that one little bad apple. Is it not written you can only serve one master. So you say Jesus is your Master and Lord, so when satan tempts you to commit that sin that you sometimes knowingly and willingly do, who have you obeyed? Jesus who is saying don't do it, or satan who is saying do it, just make sure you repent afterwards. Who are you obeying?

Consider what happens to a righteous person who commits a sin:

  • EZEKIEL 3:20: Again, When a righteous man doth turn from his righteousness, and commit iniquity (sin), and I lay a stumblingblock before him, he shall die: because thou hast not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he hath done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I require at thine hand.

There are Many verses which teach the same thing. This generation does greatly error when they do not look at sin seriously and weed it out of their lives. even the little ones. If i can do it, so can you.

^i^ Responding to Post # 96


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012
Thanks for taking the time to look at it for me... much appreciated. So if I'm understanding you right, the Hebrew words do not indicate any gender for the soul nor tiṯ-hal-lêl, but that does not mean that either or both of them don't have gender. In other words the Hebrew is vague as to whether the soul is feminine or not. Another in other words lol, the soul could be "it", "him" or "her" but the Hebrew doesn't tells us which.... that gave me a headache trying to write that!
i am thankful the Holy Ghost does not teach in Hebrew and Greek

^i^ Responding to post # 98


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012
Love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, and all your mind this is the greatest commandment, the second is as you indicated Dave, Love your neighbor as yourself. Matt. 22:36-39. , and etc etc
This is True, The sin that i teach against are those that are knowingly and willingly committed. Tell me Truly, when a person knowingly and willingly commits a sin that they know full well is sinful, have they Loved Jesus or self? The Greatest commandment is to Love God with ALL your heart, ALL your soul, ALL your Strength, and ALL your heart. Those who knowingly and willingly commit sin, can't possibly have done that commandment. They have altogether loved self MORE than Jesus Christ. All willful sin is SELFISHNESS.

^i^ Responding to post # 100


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012
34. Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Every one that committeth sin is the bondservant of sin. 35. And the bondservant abideth not in the house for ever: the son abideth for ever. (John 8:34-35)

I don't do sin, and it is shameful to see how the people's defense the sin in they life, and bend the word of the God, so that the sinful life can go on.

If you truly receive the Lord in your heart you will be free from committing sin, but today we live the time of predicted apostasy, and the people's are like it is predicted that they will be.

The sound doctrine is something that you people's can't take today.

Open your eye's, and do not sin anymore, because the price of sin is dead, and eternal pain, but the price of righteousness is eternal life in the Lord Jesus Christ

Do not deceive your selves.
This generation will not hear you, As long as they believe the lie that it is not possible to cease from sin, they will NEVER attain it. And even though i testify that i do not knowingly or willingly commit any sin against Jesus Christ, they would rather believe i am lying or that i am deceived somehow, as to believe the Truth that i teach them. Many years ago Jesus told me many things to teach, He flat out told me they will not believe me, i even asked Him, why teach them if you already know they will not believe the Truth when i tell it to them. He told me they will not have any excuse to give when they stand before Him on Judgement Day, they will not be able to plead "I didn't know" because the servants of Jesus Christ, those who actually know the Truth and live by that Truth, and do not knowingly and willingly sin, has not failed to reveal the Truth to a generation that makes excuses for their own sinning. But even though there may be a very few who knows the Truth, and there are Many who believe the lies of false doctrines, i will still continue to teach the Truth to a generation that will refuse to hear it or believe it, EXACTLY like Jesus said they would do. All sinning is EVIL. Anyone who chooses to commit sin, knowing full well that it is sinful, will not escape the Wrath of God coming upon the children of disobedience. All those who choose to commit sin, is evil. This is the Truth, this is the Truth this generation will refuse to believe, they would rather continue to commit sin and still believe they are Heaven bound, how is that not the easy and broad path that leads to destruction?

Keep preaching the Truth, despite their nay saying.

^i^ Responding to post #101


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012

It still blows my mind to read such comments when the Bible is so very clear...

Heb 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
Heb 10:27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.
Heb 10:28 He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses:
Heb 10:29 Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?

Murder, Rape, Theft?

All things are lawful? You really think that is what Paul was teaching when he wrote that?


The woman was not able to stop engaging in adultery? They were not able to stop lying, cheating, stealing?

If you sin you are of the devil. That is what the Bible clearly teaches. I am not speaking of making a mistake in ignorance, I am speaking of purposeful wrong doing with knowledge. If you do evil knowingly you are of Satan. The Gospel is to rescue us from such a state and if you have not been rescued from a state where you still sin then you have surely not been saved from sin.
You said
I am not speaking of making a mistake in ignorance,
This is True. There are three types of sins according to the Scriptures

1) Sins unto Death
2) Sins not unto Death
3) Sins not forgiven unto men

Sins unto Death = Those that are knowingly and willingly committed. Sins that people know are sinful yet choose to do them anyways, these are sins unto DEATH.
Sins not unto Death = Those that are NOT knowingly and willingly committed. Such as committing a the sin of offending a brother because i wore leather boots, and a cow had to die, therefore they are offended. This is not something that i knowingly and willingly did to cause that person to be offended. These types of sins are not unto Death.
Sins not forgiven unto men = Blaspheme of the Holy Ghost, the taking of ones own life, thereby destroying the plans God had for that person, and also, there is absolutely NO WAY to ask forgiveness AFTER a successful suicide. thereby not being forgiven.

Responding to Post # 103


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012
Only the devil would tell you to stop sinning right?
The devil would never try to teach anyone to stop sinning, the devil will always try to keep people in their sins. Someone who comes along teaching against sinning, this is a person this generation will attack, anyone who teaches to cease from sin will be attacked by this generation, for this generation believes they can continue to live in sins, and still go to Heaven. liked the video, it is True. unfortunately it teaches against sinning, therefore this generation will have nothing to do with that video, view it, i highly doubt they will. there will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth when Christ returns for His True Church and they are very FEW.

^i^ Responding to post # 105


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012
Joh 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

Do not listen to men and what they teach His commandments are, believe the Scriptures;

1Jn 3:22 And whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him, because we keep His commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.
1Jn 3:23 And this is His commandment, That we should 1) believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and 2) LOVE ONE ANOTHER, as He gave us commandment.
1Jn 3:24 And he that keepeth His commandments dwelleth in Him, and he in Him. And hereby we know that He abideth in us, by the Spirit which He hath given us

Believe the Bible, NOT men.

^i^ Responding to Post # 106


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012
Folks thinking they can ignore God's moral law was predicted by Paul himself. He talks about how this was going to happen.

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was." (2 Timothy 3:1-9).
Do you know who those are who
Have a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof,
are? Those who claim with their mouth they are Christian, go to church, and the such, yet knowingly and willingly choose to commit sins, and they do this continually without ceasing from them. They have denied the power of Christ that can help them to overcome every temptation that comes upon them, they do not seek His power or strength to overcome that sin, they would rather just sin, repent, and think they are still heaven bound.
And if i could scream this off the housetop as loud as i could the following statement, i would do so, if they would only hear it.

To Truly repent of a particular sin, YOU CEASE TO EVER DO IT AGAIN.

Do you know how you can tell if a person is genuinely repentant of a particular sin? if they repent and say to God, I will try to never do it again God, i promise. NOPE not this generation, this generation goes to the Lord and says "Lord please forgive me of ___________, thank you, in Jesus Name, amen" KNOWING FULL well they will do it again and again and again, cursed children unable to cease from sin, never coming to the Truth, but continually abiding in their own sinning, there will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth by these, the day Jesus shows up and they are not taken with Him, because they are still within their own sins, they have not used the power of Jesus nor the Strength of Jesus to overcome their sins. These have a show of being a Christian but in their deeds deny HIM time and time again, all the while thinking they are Heaven bound, based off what men has taught them, and not what Scriptures teach. Every single person on this planet would benefit from if they forget everything, and i mean EVERYTHING man has ever taught you concerning the Truth, forget it, and YOU yourself get into the Word, and study it for your own self, and maybe, just maybe, the Truth will be revealed to you. But as long as you are living in your sins, how can you possibly know and understand the Truth? All sinning is evil and wicked, and is from satan himself. How can you claim Jesus is your Master yet you choose to obey satan when you are tempted to commit sin? i will tell you how this is done, you have a form of Godliness, but deny the power to overcome sinning.

^i^ Responding to post Number 107


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012
I'm aware that my flesh sins daily - even when I become angry or fearful (anything not of faith is sin) - yet the way that I have always understood it is that Jesus has released me from them in the way the law of Moses could not do. Released me from the condemnation that the law put everyone under.

I have to keep it this simple. And I need to see myself as a "sinner" so that I can love even more His grace and mercy towards me.
Your flesh sins daily? Is it not written over and over again, NOT to obey the flesh, to mortify the deeds of the flesh? Yes the Holy Scriptures plainly teaches us Christians NOT to obey the flesh, NOT to give in to its desires.

Now granted my flesh desires to sin, it is flesh, and is as a filthy rag, it will always desire to sin. i have been celibate for over 7 years now, do you think i no longer desire to fulfill sexual desire of my flesh? my flesh to this day desires to be satisfied, DOES NOT MEAN i will comply with its desire, does NOT mean i will commit sin against Jesus Christ just to satisfy my wicked flesh. The flesh will always desire to sin. Satan will always try to use the flesh as a tool to get us to continue to live in sins. The flesh is weak, this is True. i have been celibate over 7 years, does that mean my flesh is strong? Heavens NO. my flesh is weak, it is Christ in me, that gives me the Strength and Power to overcome any temptation that my flesh may have. He is stronger than my flesh. My flesh is weak just like yours is, it experiences pleasures just like you do, yet i do not sin with my flesh, why, because i love Jesus Christ, He is more important to me, then my being satisfied with my flesh. He gives me the Strength and the Power i need to overcome my own flesh, which is weak and pathetic, i can't stand the fact that this flesh of mine desires sinful things, i curse my flesh, it is evil because it desires sinful things, i can't wait to get out of this sinful wicked flesh that i am in now and receive a body that will never have any desires whatsoever, never desire to sin.
my point is this, just because my flesh desires to sin, does not mean i have to obey my flesh and commit sin. if you are confessing that you sin daily with your flesh, you need to right now, repent and seek Jesus to help you from doing that evil wicked thing on a daily basis. Through Jesus you do not have sin with your flesh every singly day.

^i^ Responding to Post # 108


Your flesh sins daily? Is it not written over and over again, NOT to obey the flesh, to mortify the deeds of the flesh? Yes the Holy Scriptures plainly teaches us Christians NOT to obey the flesh, NOT to give in to its desires.
I'm so special, I don't even go to the bathroom. I fight dematerialization between posts, and, tell you what, God is impressed.


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012
There are those in this room trying to establish Gods foundations of truth on sin, forgiveness, and grace, and the judgements thereof, but there are those who want to mount their future on the statistics of mans failures as if majority rules. Majority does not rule in Gods judgement; He does. Grace is not to be off set in it's balanced place of Gods use of it either.

The answer to all this is found in the belief of the premise of sins allowances. There is none by Gods standards. For God looks not at our ability any longer He only sees Christ's in the New Covenant.

So, now the people bring up everything from mens statistical averages on performance, to grace of God and His forgiveness of sin, to even the quiet unmentioned desires of the flesh we hold for our closet doors have no lights, to establish there carnal direction of allowances vs. the seeking the face of God. Scripture has been laid out, We cannot be sinless in the law of the carnal hearts rule originated from Adams original sin, so no effort to follow the law can work..period. Ever...And we are required to complete the work set out by God in our lives thru the work of Christ. Sin will be judged against the Christian.

... . . . . . ..
Believe Scriptures and not the words of men.

Jas 3:2 For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body.

So it is, according to Scriptures, possible for a person to abide in the Word of God PERFECTLY, who is also able to control his/her own body (its sinful desires) And i am testifying that it is very Possible with the help of Jesus Christ, for everyone to do. ( but the sad Truth is, only a very FEW will actually do it)

Believe Scriptures NOT what men teach.

Responding to a part of what was said in Post #109
Last edited:


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2013
Your flesh sins daily? Is it not written over and over again, NOT to obey the flesh, to mortify the deeds of the flesh? Yes the Holy Scriptures plainly teaches us Christians NOT to obey the flesh, NOT to give in to its desires.

Now granted my flesh desires to sin, it is flesh, and is as a filthy rag, it will always desire to sin. i have been celibate for over 7 years now, do you think i no longer desire to fulfill sexual desire of my flesh? my flesh to this day desires to be satisfied, DOES NOT MEAN i will comply with its desire, does NOT mean i will commit sin against Jesus Christ just to satisfy my wicked flesh. The flesh will always desire to sin. Satan will always try to use the flesh as a tool to get us to continue to live in sins. The flesh is weak, this is True. i have been celibate over 7 years, does that mean my flesh is strong? Heavens NO. my flesh is weak, it is Christ in me, that gives me the Strength and Power to overcome any temptation that my flesh may have. He is stronger than my flesh. My flesh is weak just like yours is, it experiences pleasures just like you do, yet i do not sin with my flesh, why, because i love Jesus Christ, He is more important to me, then my being satisfied with my flesh. He gives me the Strength and the Power i need to overcome my own flesh, which is weak and pathetic, i can't stand the fact that this flesh of mine desires sinful things, i curse my flesh, it is evil because it desires sinful things, i can't wait to get out of this sinful wicked flesh that i am in now and receive a body that will never have any desires whatsoever, never desire to sin.
my point is this, just because my flesh desires to sin, does not mean i have to obey my flesh and commit sin. if you are confessing that you sin daily with your flesh, you need to right now, repent and seek Jesus to help you from doing that evil wicked thing on a daily basis. Through Jesus you do not have sin with your flesh every singly day.

^i^ Responding to Post # 108

Ballgame!!! Since Jesus said to even think about having sex with a woman that is not your wife is adultery. You have just admitted that you think about it. YOU are continuing in sin!!!

See how silly trying to keep the law is? Why not truly accept Jesus and be free from trying to keep the law? Then your love for Jesus and His Grace CAN enable you to walk in His light!


Ballgame!!! Since Jesus said to even think about having sex with a woman that is not your wife is adultery. You have just admitted that you think about it. YOU are continuing in sin!!!

See how silly trying to keep the law is? Why not truly accept Jesus and be free from trying to keep the law? Then your love for Jesus and His Grace CAN enable you to walk in His light!
Don't discourage him, when all heaven is awaiting further instructions.


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012
Yep, the closer you press into God, seek His Face, the more you realize how 'short' you really fall daily! Christ Crucified.. always nullifies the pride of man, its a Great Place to Abide.. under the Shadow of the Cross, where your in abilities and your falling short ' ,are exposed like an x-ray machine, but the GRACE, MERCY, LOVE, AND TRUTH of God are abundantly RELEASED upon you... thats why the Cross and its preaching are a stumblingstone and offense to so many on here, and thats why Its an Enemy to those staunch pharisees, who do it their way.. but do not see the Eternal Fire at the end of that Broad path! indeed!
And once your short comings are exposed, then what?

What you say above is True, but there is much more to it than just having your short coming revealed to you, Dealing with those short comings is an important matter as well. Sure, your short comings being revealed to you is important, but if you do nothing about them, then it being revealed to you, is moot. This is why it is plainly written to get the sin that so easily besets you out of your life. Realizing that you have a short coming and doing something about it are two different things. It is not good to only realize that you have short comings, what it good is to realize you have short comings and then DO something about them, through the help of Jesus Christ. That is what is Good, NOT just merely realizing you have shortcomings.

Responding to post 114


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012
DiscipleDave said
Your flesh sins daily? Is it not written over and over again, NOT to obey the flesh, to mortify the deeds of the flesh? Yes the Holy Scriptures plainly teaches us Christians NOT to obey the flesh, NOT to give in to its desires.
I'm so special, I don't even go to the bathroom. I fight dematerialization between posts, and, tell you what, God is impressed.
please excuse my ignorance, i have not a clue as to what you are saying here, are you agreeing with what i said or disagreeing with what i said, i cannot tell. Again sorry, for my ignorance.

Responding to post # 130


And once your short comings are exposed, then what?

What you say above is True, but there is much more to it than just having your short coming revealed to you, Dealing with those short comings is an important matter as well. Sure, your short comings being revealed to you is important, but if you do nothing about them, then it being revealed to you, is moot. This is why it is plainly written to get the sin that so easily besets you out of your life. Realizing that you have a short coming and doing something about it are two different things. It is not good to only realize that you have short comings, what it good is to realize you have short comings and then DO something about them, through the help of Jesus Christ. That is what is Good, NOT just merely realizing you have shortcomings.

Responding to post 114
Try sin or sins, some truth and even less typing.


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012
DiscipleDave said
Your flesh sins daily? Is it not written over and over again, NOT to obey the flesh, to mortify the deeds of the flesh? Yes the Holy Scriptures plainly teaches us Christians NOT to obey the flesh, NOT to give in to its desires.

Now granted my flesh desires to sin, it is flesh, and is as a filthy rag, it will always desire to sin. i have been celibate for over 7 years now, do you think i no longer desire to fulfill sexual desire of my flesh? my flesh to this day desires to be satisfied, DOES NOT MEAN i will comply with its desire, does NOT mean i will commit sin against Jesus Christ just to satisfy my wicked flesh. The flesh will always desire to sin. Satan will always try to use the flesh as a tool to get us to continue to live in sins. The flesh is weak, this is True. i have been celibate over 7 years, does that mean my flesh is strong? Heavens NO. my flesh is weak, it is Christ in me, that gives me the Strength and Power to overcome any temptation that my flesh may have. He is stronger than my flesh. My flesh is weak just like yours is, it experiences pleasures just like you do, yet i do not sin with my flesh, why, because i love Jesus Christ, He is more important to me, then my being satisfied with my flesh. He gives me the Strength and the Power i need to overcome my own flesh, which is weak and pathetic, i can't stand the fact that this flesh of mine desires sinful things, i curse my flesh, it is evil because it desires sinful things, i can't wait to get out of this sinful wicked flesh that i am in now and receive a body that will never have any desires whatsoever, never desire to sin.
my point is this, just because my flesh desires to sin, does not mean i have to obey my flesh and commit sin. if you are confessing that you sin daily with your flesh, you need to right now, repent and seek Jesus to help you from doing that evil wicked thing on a daily basis. Through Jesus you do not have sin with your flesh every singly day.

^i^ Responding to Post # 108
Ballgame!!! Since Jesus said to even think about having sex with a woman that is not your wife is adultery. You have just admitted that you think about it. YOU are continuing in sin!!!
What voice in your head told you that i think about having sex? i have not said that anywhere at all, so whose voice is telling you that i have said that or even think that. Would it not have been more Godly to merely ask me if that is what i do, before accusing me of thus. i said my body desires to have sex, i do not think about having sex with anyone, i am divorced, and whatever voice told you that i do think such things is an evil voice, telling you lies and things that are not True. Is it not common knowledge to know and understand if you think about sex, you will eventually do it, if you think about chocolate all the time, odds are you are going to eat chocolate. How stupid would it be for me, one who is celibate and wants to remain that way for ever, to think about having sex. i do not do that ignorant thing.

See how silly trying to keep the law is? Why not truly accept Jesus and be free from trying to keep the law? Then your love for Jesus and His Grace CAN enable you to walk in His light!
Again, what voice has told you that i believe a person should keep the Law? i do not teach that at all, i teach we are free from the law, that we are not under the law, why then do you now accuse me of teaching thus? i have an article about that topic if you care to read and Truly see where i stand on that issue.
Obey the Old Testament?

Responding to post # 132


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012
DiscipleDave said
And once your short comings are exposed, then what?

What you say above is True, but there is much more to it than just having your short coming revealed to you, Dealing with those short comings is an important matter as well. Sure, your short comings being revealed to you is important, but if you do nothing about them, then it being revealed to you, is moot. This is why it is plainly written to get the sin that so easily besets you out of your life. Realizing that you have a short coming and doing something about it are two different things. It is not good to only realize that you have short comings, what it good is to realize you have short comings and then DO something about them, through the help of Jesus Christ. That is what is Good, NOT just merely realizing you have shortcomings.

Responding to post 114
Try sin or sins, some truth and even less typing.
Sorry, do not understand what you are saying here. By saying less typing are you saying that you think i am typing to much, do you think i should stop teaching what God told me to teach? Seriously don't know what you are saying here. i Love you. Again sorry i do not understand what you are saying.

Responding to post 136


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012
Surprise, surprise. Confusing, isn't it?
Is it Godly of person not to try to help the one who is confused? i plainly said that i did not understand what was being said, and now you mock me because of my ignorance, is this of God or from someone else? i still forgive and love you brother.

Responding to post # 137