Look when you come a pour all your stuff out and tag God with it, just know that's my God you're also talking about for which I know there is no place in the bible that being tied up, brought to pain for pleasure, or being called little girl is there. Song of soloman is written for a reason. And Frankly, Im offended that you call yourself biblically traditional. This is the first time ive ever been borderline miffed here. And probably not the last.
What in any of her posts brought that on?
She has said nothing about BDSM that was Poet Mary's label and it was NEVER JUSTIFIED!
This is precisely what I meant when I urged caution slinging labels at people.
Go back and read SSW's posts and you will not find anything there to support a charge of BDSM except a buzz-word that also has legitimate usage outside BDSM.
This is disgusting!