Now how in the hee haw would I know anything about pierogies?
Do I LOOK Polish to you, hmm???!!!
I'm still stressed enough over the "Women Must Learn How To Bake Cookies To Catch a Man" thread to even think about potato-filled pockets of dough.
However, several years ago I tried to make Butternut Squash Ravioli from scratch that might very well have counted as a half-hearted attempt. The "pasta" turned out so thick and dough-y... that I just wound up breaking open every single "ravioli" and just eating the filling. Sigh.
Alas. If cooking is the way to a man's heart, I am really out of luck. (Yes. I just said "luck" on a Christian forum. I get off work at 10, please don't light your torches and put down those friggin' pitchforks until 9:45.)
Actually, my vote would have been:
Catherder and Olerica (look out, Paula Deen... them white folk are gonna put you to shame!)
Catherder and skylove
Catherder and gypsygirl, back in the day
Catherder and Catherder (seeing as he's said, and I think on more than one occasion, that he's far too good-looking and rich to nab just any single person.)
P.S. For anyone trying to win Catherder's heart... just ask him to lunch at Ikea. Walking through rooms of staged kitchens iw pretty much the Catherder Edition of standing on the mast of the "Titanic" and screaming, "I'm the King of the World('s Largest Kitchen)!"