This is rape, pure and simple.You said no repeatedly by pushing his hands away. Even if you didn't say it in words. He probably thought you were being a tease, and pressed harder. That is the action of a sick man. He used you, and abused you.
Please call the police and just talk to them about what happened. They will decide if he needs to be charged. It will be hard, but at least you will get some support, if they have Victim Services and counseling.
He has defiled you, made you ashamed and guilty. You are young and he is old. He pushed you, and even if it felt good, it was still a rape.
As for Bible stories - Moses comes to mind. He killed a man, when he was an Egyptian prince, for beating on a fellow Hebrew. He didn't do anything about it, because he thought no one knew. Then he came upon two Hebrews fighting and tried to stop them. One of the men said, "Are you going to kill me too?" So Moses realized that probably everyone knew about the murder.
So did he admit to his crime? No, he ran into the wilderness for 40 years, and married a woman, had kids and settled down. Was he running from getting found out or from God? I don't think the Bible is clear about that.
So then God appeared to this escaped murderer, and called him to lead the Hebrews to freedom and the promised land. I guess Moses had made his peace with God.
So God used Moses mightly. Let the people across the desert to the promised land. Did they go in? Nope! Because 8 or the 10 spies were cowards, and they were afraid of the people in the land, not depending upon God to fight for them. Moses could have overruled them, but he didn't. So he disobeyed God, took the Israelites back into the desert, where all kinds of things went wrong for 40 years. Including Moses disobeying God on a matter of striking a rock for water, which God punished him for, but not letting him enter the promised land when they finally got there.
So a very human being, who never quite became perfect even at the end, even though he talked to God face to face on Mt. Sinai when he brought down the tablets with the law.
A good model for us to remember. He was a sinner, but God still used him. He fell and stumbled all along the way, but God kept him and his peope going. God used him in spite of his failings.
God can use you, and certainly forgive you. But you need to get some counseling and help to get through this. And do check with the police. This man may have done this to many girls in the past. Or it may encourage him to do it again in the future to some other young girl.
The fact is, he may brag. But if you get him to the police, then the ball is in his park. He becomes the rapist, and you get the help you need.
Please call the police and just talk to them about what happened. They will decide if he needs to be charged. It will be hard, but at least you will get some support, if they have Victim Services and counseling.
He has defiled you, made you ashamed and guilty. You are young and he is old. He pushed you, and even if it felt good, it was still a rape.
As for Bible stories - Moses comes to mind. He killed a man, when he was an Egyptian prince, for beating on a fellow Hebrew. He didn't do anything about it, because he thought no one knew. Then he came upon two Hebrews fighting and tried to stop them. One of the men said, "Are you going to kill me too?" So Moses realized that probably everyone knew about the murder.
So did he admit to his crime? No, he ran into the wilderness for 40 years, and married a woman, had kids and settled down. Was he running from getting found out or from God? I don't think the Bible is clear about that.
So then God appeared to this escaped murderer, and called him to lead the Hebrews to freedom and the promised land. I guess Moses had made his peace with God.
So God used Moses mightly. Let the people across the desert to the promised land. Did they go in? Nope! Because 8 or the 10 spies were cowards, and they were afraid of the people in the land, not depending upon God to fight for them. Moses could have overruled them, but he didn't. So he disobeyed God, took the Israelites back into the desert, where all kinds of things went wrong for 40 years. Including Moses disobeying God on a matter of striking a rock for water, which God punished him for, but not letting him enter the promised land when they finally got there.
So a very human being, who never quite became perfect even at the end, even though he talked to God face to face on Mt. Sinai when he brought down the tablets with the law.
A good model for us to remember. He was a sinner, but God still used him. He fell and stumbled all along the way, but God kept him and his peope going. God used him in spite of his failings.
God can use you, and certainly forgive you. But you need to get some counseling and help to get through this. And do check with the police. This man may have done this to many girls in the past. Or it may encourage him to do it again in the future to some other young girl.
The fact is, he may brag. But if you get him to the police, then the ball is in his park. He becomes the rapist, and you get the help you need.