The Rapture

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So you jump up and down about a "rapture" so you won't be sad?

You'd rather believe in Mickey Mouse and Santa Clause, than read the truth written right there in Chapter 24?

Getting a little belligerent are we?
Just a few hours ago you were advising me on my ability to properly express my position.

I think you better apply that wisdom to the guy in the mirror huh?


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012
There is no rapture. There is an appointed time to die and an appointed time for the Lord to return in judgement and get his people. I suppose you could call that a "rapture" if you want but either way when God's elect leave this world they get to see the Lord as he is and worship him forever. For now while we are here let us praise the Lord for his goodness and wonderful works to the children of men and warn others to trust only in Christ's finished work, never anything they do.

Who are cleansed by the Blood of Jesus Christ according to Scriptures?

I am so thankful I am not under the curse of the Law. May God bless you as only he can do.............
1Jn 1:7 But if (conditional) we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

Woe to all those who walk in darkness, Those who walk in darkness are NOT walking in the light are they? And if they are not walking in the light, they are not cleansed by His Blood. This is according to what all of Scriptures teach. Woe to this generation indeed, they claim with their mouths they are walking in the light, but their deeds are evil.

^i^ Responding to OP
Feb 7, 2015

Getting a little belligerent are we?
Just a few hours ago you were advising me on my ability to properly express my position.

I think you better apply that wisdom to the guy in the mirror huh?
Sorry. I tend to get that way when I am called the schoolyard bully, and told that I am deliberately making believers feel sad.


Popeye, I won't quote your entire post, but it is an example of what I stated on the 1st page of this thread.

Those verses tend to 'appear' to point to a pre-trib rapture, but, as is often the problem when verses are taken out of context, they are slightly misleading to the scripture there, as a whole.

In the very same Book AND chapter that you quote from is this:
Matt. 24:29-31
"[SUP]29[/SUP] Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
[SUP]30[/SUP] And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
[SUP]31[/SUP] And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other."

And, someone mentioned before that the 'elect' could be the remnant of the Jews. Upon 'my' understanding/research of scripture, the 'elect' are not a physical/DNA/blood hereditary descendant of anybody, but they are those whom God FOREKNEW.

Meaning they are those devout believers who obey the laws of God, regularly do Works through Faith and truly have the Holy Spirit. That is the recipe for a Whole, Complete Christian. That is whom God FOREKNEW before the creation of the world. All the rest will not be gathered.

1 Peter 1:2 (those who have the Holy Spirit)
"elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in sanctification of the spirit, for obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace to you and peace be multiplied."
2 Peter 2:6 (Jesus or the Holy Spirit)
"Therefore it is also contained in the scripture: Behold, I lay in Zion A Chief Cornerstone, elect, precious, And he who believes on Him will by no means be put to shame."
Romans 11:7 (This verse contrasts the 'elect' with the rest of the Israelites)
"What then? Israel has not obtained what it seeks; but the elect have obtained it, and the rest were blinded."
1 Peter 1:10-11 (How to become 'elect.')
"Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble; for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."

Furthermore, we are all, as true believers in Christ, appointed to suffer and nowhere does the Bible state that any of us will be saved from tribulation.:

John 16:33 (Jesus speaking)
"These things I have spoken unto you so that you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."
Acts 14:22 (Paul & Barnabas speaking)
"Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God."
Phil 1:29 (Just as Jesus suffered GREATLY, we as the 'elect' must suffer greatly)
"For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for Him,"

We are not appointed to WRATH, but that is NOT the Great Tribulation:

Romans 1:18 (The Wrath comes from God, the Trib comes from man/Antichrist)
"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,"
1 Thes. 5:9 (We, the 'elect,' will be saved from the Wrath)
"For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,"

Sorry for the long post. As stated earlier, this is a very complicated topic that can only fully be understood through much Bible study, analysis, reflection and prayer. I have found no clear, 'convincing' scripture to prove an opposing perspective other than that which I've presented here.
I guess you missed the part in mat 24 where Angels,not Jesus gather the ElECT FROM HEAVEN,NOT EARTH DURING THE GT???

You have shown you are postrib.

Can you post a verse depicting a postrib rapture?
Just one will do.


Sorry. I tend to get that way when I am called the schoolyard bully, and told that I am deliberately making believers feel sad.
I know what you mean. I really have to take a breath some times and tell myself..."be sweet,be sweet,love the person"
Feb 7, 2015
I know what you mean. I really have to take a breath some times and tell myself..."be sweet,be sweet,love the person"
I guess my problem is impatience. My wife keeps reminding me I was once right where many others are today. On this Matt. 24 reading, she just reminded me that way back in 1985, a friend, probably three times smarter than I am, tried to show me things that I have only finally "discovered" in the past three or four years.

And, I have to assume that he probably explained the simple logic of the chapter much better than I am able to..... but I couldn't see either.


So you jump up and down about a "rapture" so you won't be sad?

You'd rather believe in Mickey Mouse and Santa Clause, than read the truth written right there in Chapter 24?
Dude! I've said nothing for or againt the so-called rapture ... it was you, that my comment was pointed at.
And you know this ... and you ignore the implications of what you are, and what you are doing, here to others ...
you're a sad little mean spirited man, but you dont need me to tell you this, you already know it in your heart of hard hearts,
and someday, perhaps at the rapture, our Lord is also going to talk to you about it ... so wipe that silly smirk off
your face, and take stock.
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You are flogging a dead horse trying to convince Pre Trib people they are wrong. I know because I was one. It is partly an emotional thing. Who wants tribulation! Someone once said 'A lie will fly round the world before truth gets its boots on' The Pre Trib Rapture belief is a classic example.
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You were the mean spirited bully on the playground, right?

Just thinking about it, dumbfounds me ... you've posted over 5200 times ... it's hard to imagine just how many, many fellow believers that you have dis-spirited and sent away sad. Well Done! ("well," that is, for the spirit you appear to be serving)
Yeah, and he's the one that wants to stay on earth and help get people saved? Go figure.
Feb 7, 2015
Dude! I've said nothing for or againt the so-called rapture ... it was you, that my comment was pointed at.
And you know this ... and you ignore the implications of what you are, and what you are doing, here to others ...
you're a sad little mean spirited man, but you dont need me to tell you this, you already know it in your heart of hard hearts,
and someday, perhaps at the rapture, our Lord is also going to talk to you about it ... so wipe that silly smirk off
your face, and take stock.
Are you willing to enlighten me as to what "the implications of what I am", are?
Feb 7, 2015
Yeah, and he's the one that wants to stay on earth and help get people saved? Go figure.
Madam, you can stay out of this until you decide you can apologize to me for calling me a liar. You've had a month, and still, nothing.


You guys honestly do sound like a bunch of third graders thinking Mickey Mouse is real. LOL
That verse is not even talking about the "endtimes". Go read the beginning of the chapter leading up to that verse.
What a snarky attitude! Read

"what shall be the sign of thy coming and the end of the world" Matt.24:3

Is that what you wanted me to read?


Getting a little belligerent are we?
Just a few hours ago you were advising me on my ability to properly express my position.

I think you better apply that wisdom to the guy in the mirror huh?
Did I post you recently ... dont recall that, but if I did ... and if I hurt your feelings, I dont think I did it on purpose.
As for this other ... fellow ... however, YES, the comment was pointedly intended. It wont accomplish it's intended
purpose though, that's just foolishness on my part ... and yes, I do see a fool, every time I look in the mirror.

But was my comment to the bully, belligerent ... No, you'd best look up the term; my admonition was based upon
watching his many mean spirited postings ... he is a bully, pure and simple, and he's gotten away with it for a very
long time ... he must be a web site manager, else he would have been ask to leave way before this? Perhaps I'm
endangering my stay here, perhaps, but if no one else speaks out, this ... fellow ... will continue to do hurt others.

That you come to his defense ... surprises me ... he wont even come to his own defense. That is, a true, loving, gentleman would have, at least, ask what he had done, when someone remarks, as I have done ... No ... he didn't did he! That, in itself
should tell you volumns about his attitude towards others.

But, again, you are right, I'm not the most loving individual ... but I am old enough to recognise a rotten apple when I see it.
Feb 7, 2015
What a snarky attitude! Read

"what shall be the sign of thy coming and the end of the world" Matt.24:3

Is that what you wanted me to read?
One tiny verse of it.....


Sorry. I tend to get that way when I am called the schoolyard bully, and told that I am deliberately making believers feel sad.

Yes, I guess you do get "that way" ... especially when someone tells you that you've hurt other's feelings ...



Senior Member
Oct 11, 2013
Just stopping by to say Hi Willie......I am being raptured out to


It is very important to understand what that falling away really means and how it is translated. It does not mean that believers loose their faith and fall away from the church. That is not at all consistent with Verse 7 of II Thess.2 which says that he who withholds will withhold until he be taken away. It is the church which withholds the man of sin who cannot be revealed until the church be taken away.

Here is an in depth study of the language of II Thess.

The fact that rapture is a new concept should not be shocking or in any way reflect that it is a misconception. Grace was not at all understood by the early church either where believers often did penance by beating themselves with whips or walking long distances on their knees.

I very much appreciate your posts here on the subject of the rapture. I am in agreement with you and it is very clear in the Bible as far as I'm concerned too.

Especially since we know and are secure in the fact that there is no more judgment for the believer. It was taken care of on the cross. Also, was just listening to a message on the way to work tonight and it's important in the understanding of the scriptures that:

All the Bible is written "for" us..... But not all the Bible is written "to" us.

Some portions of scripture are to the Jews., and we also benefit from that but certain promises and warnings are strictly to the Jews. And certain verses are written for us the church. For instance the vs about let not your plight be on the Sabbath... that is to the Jews since they are the ones who follow the Sabbath. The church does not 'do' the Sabbath, we do Sunday. :D Just a tiny example.

Another example i just remembered,...when that vs about "Judgment must begin in the house of God." That is also speaking to the Jews since Jesus already took our judgement. When Jesus got the money changers out of the temple He said "make not my Father's house a place of merchandise or something to that effect., don't have my Bible here at work. or did He say "a den of thieves" ?? Either way, the idea is clear.


Omgoodnes yall look bad, fussing, slamming and arguing the way that you are...