it's a pretty common criticism of people who boast about having power to heal. & the reason it doesn't work this way is like convallaria said -- it's at the Lord's command, not ours. like i tried to explain to peacefulbeliever pages & pages ago, it's the Spirit who distributes the gifts, not us who choose them, and the Spirit who uses us to do God's work, not us who use the Spirit to do the work we choose to do.
And I agree that it is the Spirit who distributes the gifts and there are different gifts (gift of salvation, gift of holy Spirit, the gift ministries)- the gift of salvation is the new birth within that new birth we are given the gift of holy Spirit and are able to "manifest" that gift of holy Spirit in nine ways listed in 1 Cor. 12 . . . there are also the gift ministries - that of a prophet, apostle, teacher, preacher, evangelist. God gives all of us the gift of holy Spirit and that gift can be manifested in nine ways . . . God energizes that gift within us but it is US who operates . . . I can receive revelation - word of knowledge, word of wisdom - for a situation but if I do not put into practice what God has told me . . what good is it . . where is the profit? When God inspires me to speak in tongues - if I do not open my mouth and speak - then what good is it . . . where is the profit? God energizes - All these manifestations are energized by the one and selfsame Spirit distributed to every man severally (translated "private" in 2 Peter 1:20meaning one's on) as he wills . . . as I said before he refers back to the closest relative noun which is "man" in every man. It is God that gives, and energizes but we are in control - Just as "The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets". Else we would be walking down the street and as inspired would just start speaking in tongues with no control - I would be leery of anything in which we lost control!
if that's the case -- then if God uses me to prophesy one day, how can i say the next day "i am a prophet" ?? then i'm boasting of myself. because it is the Spirit that moves me, not me who constrains the Spirit. if God loosens my tongue one day, how can i say the next day "i speak in tongues!" ?? when it was the Spirit speaking through me!
the gift of the Spirit isn't exercised on human command, but by God's command. that's the difference between 'having' a gift, as though we could boast of it, and 'receiving' a gift, not being able to boast, because the Spirit is like wind, and no one knows where it will blow.
Anyway, I have not boasted of ANY experience, feelings, whatever . . . there is nothing to boast of.
And I don't come here to post to argue but to try to clarify. But no one has to agree with me! It is after all what I believe scripture to be saying within the context of these three chapters! Oh me, would that be "private interpretation" or interpreting scripture within scripture!! I hope the latter!