So in this ONE seal of the US AIRFORCE where your 'Christian' leaders rule, you have the seal of Lucifer, the seals of paganism that has a direct link to the occult 6 pointed star, and the seal of persecution to God's children.
Well thats just great....
wasnt how it was meant though.
The symbol has two main parts. In the upper half, the stylized wings represent the stripes of the enlisted force. They have been drawn with great angularity to emphasize swiftness and power, and they are divided into six sections which represent the USAF's core competencies -- aerospace superiority, global attack, rapid global mobility, precision engagement, information superiority, and agile combat support.
In the lower half there are a sphere, a star, and three diamonds. The sphere within the star represents the globe and reminds USAF members of their obligation to secure the United States's freedom with Global Vigilance, Reach, and Power. The globe is also meant to remind USAF members of their challenge as an expeditionary force to respond rapidly to crises and to provide decisive aerospace power, worldwide.
The area surrounding the sphere takes the shape of a star. The star has many meanings. Its five points represent the components of the force and family -- our active duty, civilians, Guard, Reserve, and retirees. The star symbolizes space as the high ground of the United States' aerospace force. The rallying symbol in all U.S. wars, the star also represents the officer corps, central to the USAF's combat leadership.
The star has been framed with three diamonds, which represent the USAF's core values -- integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do.
The elements come together to form one symbol that presents two images -- at once it is an eagle, the emblem of the United States, and a medal, representing valor in service to the nation.
And to add to that:
I am the daughter of an US AIRFORCE FIGHTER PILOT.
So what I'm getting at is whether it's Bush, Obama or the next guy, decisions are being made that they have no control over. They rule their nation to some extent but we know that Satan is the ruler of this earth and Revelation paints the picture of what the final 'world dominating' government will be like. Is it a coincidence the the new TV series 'V' has the plot line;
"... that the aliens have spent decades infiltrating human governments, businesses, and religious institutions and are now in the final stages of their plan to take over the world."
We know the final 'world dominating' government won't be from aliens but from Satan, so is it a coincidence that the show's name can be directly linked the 'Seal of Lucifer'????
*Sorry again for going off topic*