What gaming consoles do you all prefer?
I grew up with PlayStation 1 and 2, I have a 3 now and my brother has a 4. I've never owned an Xbox or Wii. Did have a Super Nintendo though.
I am a Nintendo nerd

My favorite games ever are pretty much all for N64, Gamecube and Wii, so those are my favorite systems ever

I also really liked the NES and SNES, of course

But I have more history with the other 3.
Ive had a PS2, PS3 and 360, and they were okay, but I really didnt like them as much as my Nintendo consoles. The playstations were cool, though. And my 360, haha honestly I really only had one single game for it that I couldnt get for PS3, so it kinda felt pointless for me to even own

Oh it did have Tales of Vesperia, and thats literally the entire reason I bought it haha
I like handhelds on occasion, but I dont play them as much. But Ive had a GBA SP, DS and 3DS, Ive had a few games for them I really liked too.