I have allowed myself in the past month or so to get so distracted, to get a hold of things that will not last, that will not endure. I have allowed things to get to this heart, to taint it with its desires.
But, my life will never be my own. I cannot look for acceptance and love from others, when I have had it all along from the One who gave me breath. When I allow myself to look for that acceptance and love from others, it is borderline idolatry. I look from others in order to gain "worth," in order to gain "self-respect," instead of looking to God who has made me whole with no missing pieces. I have allowed myself to look to others for fulfillment instead of God.
Galatians talks about how if we are people pleasers, we are not God-pleasers.
I cannot look for my fulfillment from others. No one has the right to speak death into my life. I refuse to listen to the negative things people have spoken over my life. I. Have. Worth.
I may have been pushed, but I have not been destroyed for I stand on the strong foundation, my Lord Jesus Christ.
I am clothed in righteousness.
I am a daughter of Jesus.
I have been made right with the Father.
I am complete. I am free. I am pure.