I don't believe in loopholes of sin. I don't believe in gray zones of understanding, except by way of human interpretation.I do believe in a mature and immature Christian's however. I believe God shares direct scripture on certain subjects, and principle directives in other areas of life not mentioned specifically, as well as the fact He has created certain truths to be self- evident {Axiom, or Axiomatic} But He shares with us in Scripture in principle areas of priorities we ought to live by. "Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgement on disputable matters...." Romans 14:1-2. God, thru Jesus Christ in this principle is showing us the importance of preferring other's as more important than ourselves in our example and ministries, that Jesus demonstrated while here.
We also have to qualify the conscience as well. "....strive to have a conscience without offense toward God and men." Acts 24:16. Our conscience is not Jesus or the Holy Spirit, it is a catalyst or a in-between messager of His directive if we place ourselves in His spirit. For the commands of God are actually given to the life of His Son in us. Consequently, to our human nature in which God's Son has been formed. Refer to: Gal. 4:19.
His commands are difficult, but they become divinely easy once we obey. Conscience is that ability within me that attaches itself to the highest standard I know, and then continually reminds me of what that standard demands that I do. It is the eye of the soul which looks out either toward God or toward what we regard as the highest Standard. So, be aware that this is why conscience is different in different people. If by way of Jesus Christ, I am in the habit of continually holding God's standard in front of me, my grunt worker-- the conscience, will always direct me to God's perfect law and indicate what I should do.
It is not about understanding first, which is the premise of this threads concerns, for God calls us to live by faith. The question is will I obey what it is God has shown me in His Spirit thus far? I have to make an effort to make my conscience so sensitive that I can live without offense toward anyone. I should be living in such perfect harmony with God's Son that the Spirit of my mind is being renewed through every circumstance of life, and that I may be able to quickly "prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Rom. 12:2
God tells us He needs to be in every detail of our lives. Is my ear sensitive enough{ not to the sneaky unknown loopholes but} to His spirit that even a whisper I can gather in so I know what I should do? "Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God..." Eph. 4:30.
He does not speak with a voice like thunder--His voice is so gentle that it is easy for us to ignore. And the only thing that keeps our conscience sensitive to Him is the habit of being open to God on the inside. This examination of the loopholes, I don't even fathom, for God tells me that when I begin to debate Him, stop immediately! Don't ask "Why can't I do this?" You are on the wrong track. When your "properly -hooked- up" conscience speaks, there is no room for debate. Whatever it is--drop it, and see that you keep your inner vision clear. God's Word and Spirit has no holes when used correctly in unison.
You make some great statements in this post, though a couple things I would not completely agree with.
For example:
Our conscience is not Jesus or the Holy Spirit, it is a catalyst or a in-between messager of His directive if we place ourselves in His spirit. For the commands of God are actually given to the life of His Son in us.
While I would distinguish between our conscience and the leading of the Spirit of God, this is stated a little curiously. The "Life of His Son in us" is, in my view...Jesus Christ Himself, and while I agree that the commands of God go through that Messager (great way to state this, by the way), I see it as our conscience impacted by His presence. Whereby we could say that Jesus is our conscience. Not eradicating the distinction, but not separating them either, because if we have conscience separate from God, this would imply a state of rebellion against His leading.
His commands are difficult, but they become divinely easy once we obey.
I take a simple approach to sin: we can't be obedient to God in regards to sin in our life until He has shown us that something is sin. And even if we recognize something as sin, we are still dependent on the convicting ministry of the Lord for us to bring it into context, thus we are equipped by God to deal with that sin in our lives. But like most children, we can have a habit of rebelling against authority, so that as babes our potential to grieve the Spirit is higher than when we begin to mature. As children grow, they begin to realize that they are not going to win certain battles with the parent. As they grow older, they come to realize that when mom and dad say no...they mean it. No amount of arguing, crying, striving...is going to achieve a different result so that what they want to do (which through experience they already know conflicts with the will of the parents) is not going to be allowed. And when a child reaches a certain point, a certain level of maturity and understanding, they begin to realize the restrictions or guidance to a certain way of understanding...is for their own good.
In other words, they understand it is not a matter of restriction for the parent's pleasure or whim, but a matter of proper instruction. And that is, in my view, how it is in regards to our Heavenly Father training us up in the way we should go. And when we reach that stage where we acknowledge that His commands have our best interests at heart, rather than His, we are more apt to pay attention to what He has to say, rather than following our own desires or whims which do not have the benefit of being able to view the matter from the perspective of experience. We see that principle in the Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve's experience, through disobedience, drastically changed from an existence of Good to an existence of knowing (having an intimate relationship to) both good and evil.
When we disobey, like Adam and Eve, the consequences bring sorrow. Our conscience lacks the ability to recognize that which is harmful when we are babes, and our reliance on God within us to warn us is critical. He is in many ways doing exactly what the parent does for the young child, who needs someone to watch over them, and instruct them in matters they are unaware of. The young child does not understand what a hot stove can do, just as the babe in Christ does not understand what sin in their life can do.
And getting long here, so one other thing:
It is not about understanding first, which is the premise of this threads concerns, for God calls us to live by faith.
This is not the premise of the thread. The premise of the thread is that I view Scripture as not having gray areas and loop-holes, which are created by individuals that seem to think that Scripture is a buffet of concepts which can be strung together to create a personal faith.
I propose that every gray area suggested can be understood in the context of the passage and within the larger framework of the Word of God. This would not include issues which have not been revealed, it deals only with what has been revealed.
As far as this...
This examination of the loopholes, I don't even fathom, for God tells me that when I begin to debate Him, stop immediately!
This thread could be considered "an examination of loop-holes," lol, the only problem being...no-one has presented any. Nothing valid, anyway.
And I don't think anyone will. And if they do, I think we will be able, through Scripture, to dismantle the loop-hole presented. One loop-hole was presented...
Actually, God created the "Mother of All Loop Holes" in his Son Jesus Christ, in that we are all condemned to death by the Law, but Jesus is our Loop Hole to escape the penalty.
We cannot make the determined will of God, which was His will before the world was formed, a loop-hole.
Thanks for your contribution to the thread, as I said, you make a few great statements, and I would be remiss not to point out one of them:
God, thru Jesus Christ in this principle is showing us the importance of preferring other's as more important than ourselves in our example and ministries, that Jesus demonstrated while here.
God bless.