Another way of understanding, Jesus killed the curse of the law, death, ending the enmity between sinners and the law. Now we are given the privilege by the Holy Spirit to obey the law as well as we are given to understand the law under the New Covenant.
By His own example, Jesus Christ, we know how the law functions to this day by applying the important points of the law, that being faith (in the wisdom of Jesus' teachings9, mercy (if we wish to obtain mercy), and justice. Remember justice must contain mercy. There, now isn't this easy to understand. The Pharisees taught laws and traditions of man as commandments from God, not so with us. We study His Word to be found good servants of the Most High God, amen.
By His own example, Jesus Christ, we know how the law functions to this day by applying the important points of the law, that being faith (in the wisdom of Jesus' teachings9, mercy (if we wish to obtain mercy), and justice. Remember justice must contain mercy. There, now isn't this easy to understand. The Pharisees taught laws and traditions of man as commandments from God, not so with us. We study His Word to be found good servants of the Most High God, amen.
You have simply emasculated the law to create your own version of law that suits your particular manifestation of self-righteousness. By doing so, you completely dishonor the law and GOD.
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