God bless you for saying that, man, because i've been in a real bad way lately...had what seems to be an irreparable falling out with someone I really care about, lost a friend and my hearts really been torn up. Been fighting thoughts of giving it all up, because of so many other things happening in my life right now, it's been like a very slow moving depressing vortex sucking the life out of me, though it seems to be speeding up, and the muslum religion of deceit, destruction, and death is becoming just about all I can take. But I'm clinging to our God and Saviour, though the truth better said is He's holding me, and I 'm praying He keeps hold of me, but even if He says He's done with me, I still will believe in Him, even though I'm shaky at times, I know the Lord Jesus Christ is the True and Living God, there is no other name under heaven whereby men must be saved, and every knee shall bow to Him, not because He's a demanding ogre or a tyrant god, but because in the ultimate proof that God is Love, He laid down His life to pay for our sins, He is the Worthy Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world, He conquered sin and death on the cross, HE ROSE FROM THE GRAVE, and He will come again in great power and glory as King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
But I'm not anybody, brother, it's an honor to have friends and family like you! And don't forget...Those to be admired and prayed for are those who are facing persecution and horrors and yet are standing up for the faith and truth of Jesus. They need our prayers and support and the whole body of Christ really needs to come together and unite around our Saviour in these times, just as He prayed (John17).
So, God bless YOU, brother, and the rest like you on this thread especially (you know who you are, thx) who have been standing for Jesus, and against the lies being spread by the religion of violence.To God be the glory, great things He has done, He loves us so much that He gave us His Son. Praise His Name and stand fast in His Truth, and thanks again for the support and encouragement, I really needed it.