Anime and Manga aren't occult or evil. They are a form of graphic novel and a type of animation. Specifically, anime gained its unique view of animation through works like "Record of Loddoss War". Its animation placed upon a static background. Most of what is put forward as anime isn't, but that's more of a technical argument.
In fact, there are Christian mangas and at least two anime styled movies about Jesus, one being a short film from the eyes of the Holy Thief, watching Jesus go to the Cross, and confessing his sins to Christ and proclaiming him as Messiah.
Just because it is of Asian origin doesn't make it occult. Occultism may use anime, but occultism uses books, movies, tv shows, songs, etc. This does not make movies, books, tv shows, songs, etc. evil or occult. They are a medium used to put forth a worldview. Can Satan use that? Yes. Does Satan control it? No.