I'm sorry but this is simply not true, I am a huge anime fan I love to watch anime but none of them have effected me in the ways you speak of in fact sometimes these anime shows make me feel closer to God. God can and will use anything to reach our hearts and to think he would use something I enjoy to speak to my heart just goes to show how amazing he is and how wants to be a part of our lives even if we are watching a show.
Even though I love anime it never can come close to God himself, anything can become a God to us anything we hold higher than God himself is our God
Even though I love anime it never can come close to God himself, anything can become a God to us anything we hold higher than God himself is our God
Arent you the one who claims to have visited hell? I rest my case!
Now the picture is clearer to me.
The only recorded visit to heaven was lazarus. He didnt come back.
I pray that God brings you to the knowledge of his word