I would like to question your logic here: does it make sense to restrict ALL women from preaching simply because Adam was formed before Eve?
By itself, is that a logical reason? If so, what is the connection? Let's have some thoughtful discussion on this, so please don't just slough it off and reply, "That's what the Bible says."
Similarly, though Eve was deceived, how does that influence every other woman? And if
ever having been deceived is a disqualification for preaching, then nobody, male or female, qualifies. Again,
by itself, is this a logical reason to restrict all other women? (After all, Adam sinned; would that not disqualify every man as well?)
I suspect your first answer will be, 'it must be logical, because that's what God said'. I'll invite you to press into the question a little harder; God won't get offended.
Don't get me wrong; I'm not arguing what the Bible
says. Rather, I'm questioning the
logic in your interpretation of these verses. I contest that connecting the verses with an implicit 'because' creates two illogical assertions, and so there may another reason why Paul makes these statements after his restriction.