Thank you Chuckt, I even ran conversation (as behavior) and then double checked it off of other verses where it is actually helpful. I think you have given me something here thank you.
So "without" the word (still) as far as a wife teaching her husband, but chaste behavior (versus conversation) as would typically count it, although not really because your conversation is a part of your behavior as well. Well, that might be be an obvious thing (even if not written in) in order to win another with (especially ones husband). Might not change much in that verse but cross checking throughout in respects to other verses was very helpful as well.
Thanks again Chuckt I appreciate that one. God bless you
So "without" the word (still) as far as a wife teaching her husband, but chaste behavior (versus conversation) as would typically count it, although not really because your conversation is a part of your behavior as well. Well, that might be be an obvious thing (even if not written in) in order to win another with (especially ones husband). Might not change much in that verse but cross checking throughout in respects to other verses was very helpful as well.
Thanks again Chuckt I appreciate that one. God bless you
Men want to come home from work, sit down and relax or chill without talking.
Women wait for their husbands to come home and all they want to do is talk.
The combination doesn't work until there is a compromise.
I'm sure some people are an exception to the rule and some people have jobs that make them want to talk because they didn't talk to someone all day.