Let's face it....obvious it is grand to think that two people who are not exactly 'kissy pooh" anymore, rarely, if ever, actually decide as a team, to go away on a Christian retreat to 'save their marriage". Both have to be in total agreement, to start with. What we have here is an age old problem of 'taking everything for granted". He does it to her, she decides that he needs to give her happiness in order to have happiness, etc. Slowly, ever so slowly, this has eroded the spark, the mystique, the wild sexiness, the fun and friendship from the daily grind called Marriage. Once an attitude is established, such as what is expressed, it is like a cancer and only grows to get worse. People wear down like old tires. They forget that they can still be a classic model, nice and restored and kept in good shape. They would rather stay rusty, keeping the old patina, and not sprucing up anymore. Any total stranger online can give you all kinds of ideas and advice. Only YOU know if you can end up staying married or not. It matters not the amount of makeup you put on to impress him, or the amount of flowers and perfume he buys you to keep you. You two are now reaching that age where you keep asking "Is there something else a little better than this?" Of course, there is. Grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Only the Holy spirit can produce a change in both of your lives. Yes, it seems unfair that one of the spouses would be the hero or heroine and the shining example of what a 'perfect" marriage partner should be, while the other one remains content on being a total GRUMP! I see family and friends who are married and they are totally "WRONG" for each other...and they know it! All suffer because of it. I am not sure that staying in such negative situations will suddenly produce Positive results. IT will take DIVINE intervention to save this dull, uneventful excuse of a partnership that you have expressed here. Your choice....and remember, GOD does know your heart...and if your heart is truly crying out to HIm, as your heavenly Father, HE will answer and resolve this, as He has His child's welfare in His best interest! You, and only YOU, will know this in His timing and in His way, especially being His daughter!