Suppose that's all I know. (Can't help it. Got jumped by demons as a teenager, reading a RSV.) Though I must say, you don't seem the best recommendation for your cult, and I've noticed this about others of your bent. You have that same holier-than-thou exclusivity of any garden variety cult, but it's like you King James only guys have this big stick up your rear. It's like some dark cloud has engulfed or devoured your personalities, almost like your Lord must be Billy Goat Gruff. Have to say, I may not be sitting next to the thrown, maybe a tad higher than the thrown with you guys, teaching the Lord 17th century English, but you know something? I'll be fine just being a regular guy in the kingdom, without that stick up my rear.
Okay. So you didn't like those contributions. How about Textus Regurgitatus?