That's it - there's no money in healthy people, because we're independent of big pharma, and chose not to live a life, a shortened, half lived, unhealthy life on medication that can temporarily resolve one problem and give multiple others.
This is total misinformation. As a surgeon once said, eating healthily is far cheaper than surgery, ongoing 'treatment' and quite often, a disease which costs people their lives. "don't worry about cancer, there's a chance that an operation will get rid of it" is the most ignorant, least empowering and most discouraging statement. Prevention is the most empowering and best cure for cancer as I will explain.
Emotional factors that cause stress are major contributors to the development of cancer. If people don't know God, they don't know what hope is, these factors are absolutely related to the cause and cure of cancers.
A few of my family members have had cancer and from 19 I knew I had to be active in preventing it. It's not enough for a girl to go to a 'medical professional' and get her breasts checked by them or scanned by a machine every so often when cancer's already developed.
I'm a vegan and I've always be actively pursuing the enemy's war on my physical and mental well being. I was put on this earth for a reason, to do God's will. The enemy's main goal is to take me out via my health anyway he can and ultimately take my life prematurely to stop me from fulfilling God's purpose for my life.
The enemy has completely failed both mentally and physically. From casting every thought I have from the enemy to God, from getting up at 5 am to do my exercise, from my making right choices with food, everything that goes into my mind, my body and everything I have in my surrounds is nothing but positive, healthy and filled with God. The devil can't touch me, he's tried and failed. Here's now:
Thoughts - the mental battle - turning every thought and word over to Christ, living in the word daily.
Education - educating yourself on health, nutrition, diet, exercise, lifestyle - there's no excuse now days to live in ignorance at all with the availability of local libraries and the internet. Reading articles, research, reviews and testimonies are excellent sources of education to stay on top issues.
Lifestyle - eating only healthy real sustaining foods with adequate supplements.
Exercise - doing this daily, regularly.
I don't eat anything that's processed or has to be cooked, I only eat raw and organic 'real' food, which 9 times out of 10 is just fruit. Bananas, mangos and blueberries is what I've started on today and nothing is better for the brain and body than fruit.
People are unashamedly clueless how red meat with all it's chemicals, additives and hormones is one of the biggest causes of cancer as are products from the dairy industry yet they still chose to put that poison in their bodies. It's a complete myth that if you give up these poisonous products you'll be lacking in protein or calcium. Both can be found in plenty of plant foods in abundance and with nothing but positive effects on the body.
I power walk a minimum of 6 times a day approx 40 minutes each time.
I also take my supplements, I never rely on them, they're just one piece of the pie, part of the bigger picture of my health. It's totally insufficient to just take some plastic, synthetic, cheap piece of garbage supplement that you think will have some kind of positive affect because of the supposed vitamin name that the company has slapped on it. You have to examine everything, the ingredients, that goes into the supplement, do some trial and error, read reviews, find a reputable brand and be willing to spend the money on natural supplements that are worth it and help do the job.
Cancer can't live in a body with glutathione in it. I take nascent and or detoxified iodine every day along with glutathione as, along with every other factor I've listed, are two of the major preventative measures against cancer.