Because sometimes life hits us so hard that we cannot cope. We retreat into ourselves not letting anyone in. We will shut everything out. Even us Christians will close the door on God. We are supposed to be the "strong ones". We are the "leaders" of the family. We are the "leaders" of the Church. We are the "leaders" of the job. In todays society if a woman "fails" at something it is because she "is a woman". If a man fails it is because he is "not a real man". It is easier to "disapperar" than to face those accusations. That is why men "disapear".
Dont believe me? Two failed marriages, cannot do the job i love due too health, no longer a deacon at my chuch (due too second failed marriage).
Society sees weakness so even though things may seem to be going well they really arent. Men are good at hiding these pains and when it becomes too much we "disapear".
Yeah i am invisable here now though you read this i have disapeared. No one knows who i am beyond sac49.