more than one neurologist has told me that IF I didn't have a particular 'operation', that I would
very likely become paralyzed in a short amount of time,,,can you imagine this? can you go there?
I am an athelete, and equestrian, was a total out-door-fanatic, always enjoying the physical world's
activities as much as I was able from a very young age...
my husband got suspicious, because it was a 100thou.$plus operation - so, we did some RESEARCH,
(out-side of the box) in order to find out the success rate, which was NEVER MENTIONED in our 'conferences'...
and we found out that 10% got better and 10% stayed the same, and 80% got WORSE,
with the OPERATION...
the Lord was speaking to us through this whole ordeal from the beginning, and told us that,
(this is incredibly BAD odds), to have your neck split open and your spine manipulated and bound
with either, (titanium or a cadavers left-overs)...

there really was no choice, because my husband and I have been living-by-faith for many, many,
years, and we came to realize in a short amount of time that this was indeed just another TEST,
of our FAITH....
we are NOT 'anti' medical on a practical basis, but we are of the FAITH first, and therefore,
we listen, live, and totally rely on the Faith that we have been given...
we have NOT been let down yet, and we know that we never will be, for our will is
becoming more and more meshed with our Holy Father's will in all things and we have come
to realize over these many years, that with each TEST -
we will become stronger and stronger and will come to rest totally in His Will and Peace...
this journey has not been an easy one, but it has been a Spirit-led-one from the very beginning...