I have a difficult time saying "Castile got himself killed because triggered an alert reaction." It appears he was complying with the first command from the officer before/after he informed the officer he had a weapon and permit for it. Maybe it was unwise or not the best decision he made, but nevertheless, it does not warrant being killed in front of your daughter and fiance. Castile was in complete compliance with the law from what we know.
That's like saying a woman wearing a mini skirt "got herself raped" by triggering a hormonal male. No no no no... the victim didn't do anything [legal or illegal] to get raped.
That's like saying a woman wearing a mini skirt "got herself raped" by triggering a hormonal male. No no no no... the victim didn't do anything [legal or illegal] to get raped.
I suggest all of you google, a police chief by the name of Sjolander.
He has been taking a leadership role in starting a dialog of healing.
I sent him this message on facebook this morning.
Dear Chief Sjolander,
I was inspired(I'm sure im not the only one) by your essay or open letter after what has happened this week.
I realize that you heartfelt views may be partially due to the demographics of the community that you serve(at least some may think that) but that being said, your take on this subject, is enough reason to hope for a way out of the darkness.
My prayer is that whom ever is sworn in, as the next president of the united states would have the good sense to give you some sort of platform to address and come along side, all the police chiefs of the country(heck, the world), at least a weekend retreat on a lake in the mountains .
I'm going to be voicing this view wherever I can, and see what happens. I won't ask you if your up to the challenge, I'll just say that we need more men with vision in leadership roles, to replace the career politicians.
I know that our Father in Heaven would have your back!
Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you,for your service, for your courage and honoring the call of duty. May God bless you and yours.
P.S I've got penguin pajama bottoms too!
I hope you have a great day Sir.
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