I can give you all a lot of health advice.
Protein and more Protein.
Nothing processed.
No sugar.
Shop only on the outside edge of the store.
If their is a paragraph of ingredients don't eat it.
Breathing exercises when you wake up and after work. Think of your body as a house that has been closed for months or years. It has that stagnate smell. Your body is the same way. You need to move the air to the floor of your stomach and out until their is nothing left.
Understanding Head brain and Gut Brain.
What does Carl's Daily diet look like?
Breakfast: Two eggs whites, 5grams of Creitine, Multi Vitimin, Fish oil
Snack: Cottage Cheese, blue berries
Lunch: Chicken Breast and Asparagus
Snack: Plain Greek Yogert
Dinner: One or two of Fish, Chicken, or Occasional steak, One of Half of a sweet potato or 1 cup of brown rice or asparagus.
Prework out:
Depending on if I am tired after work. I will take scoop of pre-work out supplement "Savage roar, NO Xplode, Assault or two cups of black coffee until payday.
Get to lifting and no more than 20 min of cardio. My workouts are intense, 2-3 hrs of weights. So this will vary depending on your experience level.
Go home, shower. If I get hungry. I take a scoop or two of protien powder and mix it and off to bed.