This was good post! Im 29 year old single women, but this subject gave many thoughts. Sex is very intimate area, im thinking with this introduction to subject, that in every couple face their "mountains" issues to solve out. And sex and sexuality is so fragile part of us , and the disappointment could be very deep and injuring in many ways if your sexlife is not so enjoyable as you or your partner wish it would be. And as a christian, God leads you to the right person, you fall in love, get married. Maybe sexlife is working at first but then comes kids and huge responsibilities on christian life and other life areas, debts, financial problems.. Many burdens so people feel so stressed out they lost all joy and enjoyable things as having rich intimate life with your spouse. And many other reasons, physical, psykological etc.
Seems like some kind of tabu (different people and cultures see it different way naturally) but in christian culture, and idk but could there be some shame or guilt linked it too? I think it can be very deep disappointment and loss if your needs dont meet / dont any more meet on your marriage + if u have totally different type "language of love" (Have you heard about this theory? ) so then it gets even more complicated. Here in Finland havent heard too much christian based teaching or speechs about christian marriage problems. I mean could there be like more women nights or men nights where could be discussions about christian marriage and possible sexlife threats?