being "too passionate to control your tongue" doesn't seem like a good reason to back out of talking to anyone, as pretty as you might paint it.
The scripture doesn't teach us to "be true to ourselves"
It teaches us to deny ourselves, and subjugate ourselves to His will, to beat our bodies and make them our slaves -- including our tongues -- and to daily mortify the deeds of the flesh, having died to these things in our immersion into Christ.
To love the rebuke of the wise and cherish the chastening of the Lord, not to flee from it because listening to it would mean "not being true to yourself"
You know what's really interesting is that the scripture teaches this in every translation not just the deal ol' KJV.
But if you want the legacy of your short time here to be "i couldn't control my tongue or my 'passion' so when i was rebuked for it, i cut and run, because being myself is more important than being a member of the body of Christ & being conformed into His image" . . .
Then so be it.
Pretending that that gives anyone but yourself pleasure?
i won't allow you that deception though. You breaking fellowship because your tongue is sharp & your vanity is uncontrolled gives no one delight.
I had no intention of return to this forum, but your opinions deserve acknowledgement. First, I will surprise you by agreeing with everything you said and you have every right to be acknowledged. Is what you wrote going to change me? Absolutely not. I have faced it all before and it is still water off a ducks back. Even though we stand on opposite sides of the river, my age gives me some advantage by growing up in a God- loving environment with God loving parents and a God loving country, not that I am assuming you did not have God loving parents, but unfortunately, you did not grow up in a God loving country. Am I passionate and hard nosed, you bet. Do I fear God's judgement? You bet. If you don't, maybe you should. If I was weak in my faith your judgement of me would leave me shaking in my boots. Am I arrogant and and vane? you bet.
Before I close, let me be very direct, I spent 22 years of my life defending this country that I love,and I am sick at heart to observe what is happening to it, so let me give you another arrogant opinion. America is a dying country because it has turned it's back on God and the worse is yet to come. You need to educate yourself to reality. If you had any knowledge of the true history of this country, which I doubt, it would be clear that God willed this country into existence and there is no way He is going to allow us the get away for spiting in his face. Now if that bruises your sensibility, deal with it. The vast majority of Americans are obsessed with sports, cell phones, TV and many other things to distract them from the reality of life. Until Americans, all Americans, replace Email with Knee Mail and get on our knees and beg God for His forgiveness, America is doomed. You chastised me for cutting and running, I have not run anywhere I have nothing to run from, I have enjoyed the short time I have been part of this forum but it would be inconsiderate of me to continue bringing discourse to this forum. At any rate, I have a life other than this forum
I am deeply saddened that my children and grandchildren, and even you, will not have the privilege of living in a country when seventy five percent of Americans were Christian and I do not mean Milquetoast Christians. God created America as a shining light to the rest of the world, but now that God is being kicked out of America, the light has gone out. It would be more of a benefit to you if you would concentrate on that fact. Allow me to take advantage of my age and enlighten you. Keep in mind the theme of this subject is the KGV and my effort to defend it.
In 1849, a young chubby English boy named Charles Spurgeon was walking home from school,
when God created a rain shower that forced him to take shelter inside a church and that changed his life, and millions others. Spurgeon became the most prolific Christian Author and successful Preacher in modern history. He died before any modern bibles existed.
In 1875, a young boy, raised in an orphanage, was approaching the age when he had to leave the orphanage. He had very little going for him until God blessed him with the ability to become a great baseball player. There came a time when God required payback and removed the baseball from his hand, and replaced it with a bible. Before he died in 1935, Billy Sunday traveled around America preaching the gospel to over a million people and that was before television. Sunday was considered a fire and brimstone preacher and was very effective in a God loving environment. The bible he delighted in waving above his head was KJV. It may be a befit to you to study the life of these gentlemen, especially Billy Sunday who used his arrogance, condescending attitude and passion to keep over a million souls out of hell.
America was not founded and expanded by intellectuals, but by mostly uneducated God fearing Christians with the blessings and guidance of God. Unfortunately, the majority of this generation of young people and even too many older people with the attitude, Who cares!
I am sure you are asking what this has to do with anything, it has everything to do with it. to set things strait, I am no wimp, but it is no problem for me to ignore your criticism considering your immaturity.
Someday, we are going to stand before the Ultimate Judge and it is Him that I and everyone that has lived must answer too. Today, too many church pulpits are occupied by millionaire preachers giving out feel good messages and evidently that is what many if not most, people want and many of them will still be out there after the Rapture, which is coming soon. Hmm, I just made a judgement, imagine that!
For many are called, but few
are chosen.
Matthew 22:14 (KJV)
I will close with the following plea for all of us.
God be merciful to me a sinner.
Luke 18:13 (KJV)