And there you have it. They don't want to hear about Jesus, they want you to focus on the carnal, the intellectual, the world.
Paul claimed to know
nothing among the believers except
Christ and him crucified.
Jesus Christ can’t be recognized according to the flesh. We have a lot of fleshy explanations that have to be put to death.
We’ve been given the mind of Christ, and yet we too often insist on listening with the ears of logic. Trying to figure everything out when God has everything engineered already in Christ. It’s finished.
The world’s wisdom demands that we need to take care of business because it believes that nothing will happen unless WE do it. The logic of the fleshly mind scoffs at the absurdity that any real value is found in the expectation of God’s promise. That old logic can accept a BALANCE between flesh and spirit, but it’s nothing more than lip-service, which is the basis of religion.
Speak of freedom in Christ and watch the red flags go up. It is a shame that we miss the freedom of being free because we keep listening to people focused on flesh and sin. When you are focused on Jesus, you are not focused on sin, law, flesh, or the world.
Whatever God had actually spoken to individuals in times past - whether recorded or not -
ultimately testified of Christ, who is the EVERYTHING of God. Christians whose perspective is on collected written words forces them to serve a textbook or owner's manual or as some call it: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. That is how the mindset instigates the same concepts and reactions as it did with the Pharisees when Jesus walked among them.
We were in darkness, now we are in Light.
We were dead in sins, now we are alive to God through Christ.
We were opposed to righteousness, now we are righteousness.
We were unbelieving, now we are believers through HIM.
We were impure, now we have been made pure.
It is finished. Jesus Christ reigns in us.
Any person who insists on focusing on the flesh, on sin, on the world, on laws, on traditions of men, is not walking in the spirit and does not care what the will of God is. They are self-motivated and can only speak about fleshly things.
Don’t think it’s strange that this thread keeps being commandeered by one imposter after another. They are blind trolls (guides) and have no idea what they’re doing. They keep leading you up a rabbit trail of flesh and want you to follow them around like sheep. Their motive is fleshly, demonic, and ignorant of God. Stop following them.
But we have the mind of Christ.