So if you stop believing in God then He will withdraw salvation?
Sounds reasonable, right?
But how do you believe in something and then stop? How do you change your mind?
You believe in gravity, I assume. If you stopped believing in gravity would it cease to exist? How would you be able to believe in gravity at one time and then not believe it later on?
Unless you were double minded the whole time. Not 100% believing in gravity but waiting for the time when it was disproved...
I do not believe we lose our salvation like a set of car keys and then find it again after looking for the lost car keys. He did not walk away from you because you failed to study the Word and pray one morning.
I do not believe in rigid OSAS/eternal security either, because that eradicates choice and suggests God has total domination over a persons will, which he does not.
I believe a person can be saved and through the course of time harden their hearts that they fall away from the faith and in doing so blaspheme the Holy Spirit. IOW, God is still there, but you walked away from God.
The story of Charles Templeton bears this out. It is well know that his walk with Christ was legendary, he was the Canadian version of Billy Graham and him and Graham were very close friends.
Templeton was tempted and led astray from his faith due to Theistic Evolutionists while he was enrolled at Princeton Theological Seminary. Late in his life he wrote a book: Farewell to God: My
Reasons for Rejecting the Christian Faith.
In the book and his personal quotes Templeton stated that Creation as presented in the Bible was a fairy tale and the second he attributed creation at the hands of anything but God and the Holy Spirit, he was condemned eternally for Blaspheming the Holy Spirit[which is attributing his works to that of the Devil]
But you say, Templeton never said outright the devil created the earth, you would be right, but evolution at its core seeks to eradicate Jesus Christ. If you remove man being created from God, you remove the fall, if you remove the fall, you remove the need for Jesus Christ and you replace him with man's pride and knowledge.
So by embracing a doctrine of devils, Templeton walked away from his faith and his connection with God and will not be forgiven for the sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Even the occultists know this and why any Christian that walks away from Jesus Christ and joins certain satanic groups must go through the rite of Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
But you say if he walked away from us , he was never really one of us....that dog won't hunt, because of the fruit that Templeton bore while serving Jesus Christ.
This is the most severe form of walking away from salvation. Those that abide in the vine abide for good. It takes a long time to walk away and then blaspheme the Holy Spirit.