My name was almost Catherine, but my dad hated the nickname Cathy too much to name me that. I tried to change it later, when I was 16, because I wanted to be Catherine. But I'm glad it's not, now. There are so many ways to spell my name, I think mine is unique, and it's funny how nobody can spell it. It always told me who cared enough to find out how. One of my boyfriends (only lasted 3 months), didn't spell my name correctly, and it told me that he didn't care enough to learn. I also told myself that any guy I would marry, would have to fall in love with my daughter before he fell in love with me, because I wanted to be sure he loved her as much as I do. That guy never even learned her name.
Honestly, before I named either of my kids, I hated the name Adrianna, and I hated the name Robert even more. But I felt like they were right. I knew both of their names before they were born, but my son was a little more adamant about being Robert. I tried to name him Richard instead. I had a dream the night after he was born, and all I remembered out of it, was waking up with the thought "NO MOM! It's ROBERT JOSEPH!" I had to call the hospital record office that day, and tell them to change it, before it went through the system. My husband wasn't happy with me for changing it without talking to him first. I had to apologize profusely, and in my defense, I did try, he was just at work, and too busy to listen, and I had to get it done before the hospital put his records through.
I love both of my kid's names now, they fit them perfectly.
I also didn't want to name my kids after anyone, but it feels like this little one (I'm like 85% sure it's a girl), wants to be named Desiree Faith. Desiree is my mom's name. I haven't told my mom that we will be naming the baby after her.