Well, in a way you are "under interrogation" as we are commanded to "test all things," just as I should be and anyone else. And there are some things I don't quite understand so I ask for greater clarification. Thank you with your willingness to bear with me..and I plead with you to bear with me here (I know this post is long) and if you had any questions regarding my theology I would return the same.
By "I do things that are contrary to the Law" you mean sin, right?
Concerning the comment that Paul Washer had only 5 sermons to his name, it seems then that indeed that was a joke. Paul Washer is an elder at a local church and an itinerate pastor as well. He has multitudes of sermons and he does not always preach on the same thing. If you were to visit that link I gave, Paul Washer has various sermons regarding missions, explaining the cross, biblical assurance, dating & courtship, equipment of the saints, explaining faith, and explaining the glory of God. These are the ones listed on Heartcry and he has many more elsewhere on the internet. The reason he said it appears as though he only preaches the same thing is because of the popularity he's received from his famous "Shocking Youth Message." Since then he's been known to speak out against the many errors in what America calls "the church" and many people flock to these same messages because of the shock value. He does speak indepth on many other important biblical issues that are very well meat for mature believers.
I don't know why you would want to run away from conviction. Conviction is a God-given gift, it is exceedingly useful and the means through which the Holy Spirit condemns the sin in our lives. The Bible says this conviction from the heart is one of the tests that determine if one is a Christian or not (1 John 3:20). This conviction is absolutely necessary because the Bible describes the Christian walk as one of violence, battles, struggles, and pressing on. If one is absent from conviction they are unable to fight, and if one is not fighting, then they are not a Christian - otherwise all those words in Scripture are lies. Jesus said it is the "violent" who take the kingdom by force, and that we must be tearing out eyes and cutting off hands, through many trials enter into the kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 11:12, 5:29-30, Acts 14:22).
Countless times in the New Testament we are warned to beware of:
- false doctrine or hypocrisy (Matthew 16:6)
- sin (Luke 12:15)
- causing others to stumble (1 Corinthians 8:9)
- unbelief (Acts 13:40-41)
- false teachers (Colossians 2:8, Philippians 3:2)
- an evil heart springing forth in you (Hebrews 3:12)
- falling away (2 Peter 3:17)
We are warned to take heed for fear of:
- the light in us being darkness (Luke 11:35)
- letting sin go unchecked (Luke 17:3
- us becoming weighed down with sensuality (Luke 21:34
- us falling away (1 Corinthians 10:12; 1 Timothy 4:16)
We are warned to fear:
- God who has the power to destroy us in Hell (Luke 12:5)
- lest we fall into unbelief and arrogance and be condemned (Romans 11:20; Hebrews 4:1)
We are told to:
- remain vigilant because Satan is seeking to destroy us (1 Peter 5:8)
- strive to have a conscience without offense toward God and men (Acts 24:16)
- discipline ourselves lest we fall away (1 Corinthians 9:27)
As you can see the course of the Christian life is not easy or relaxed. It is one of diligence, vigilance, careful following after the Lord "in fear and trembling" (Philippians 2:13). In Ezekiel 36:27 God says those whom He saves "will be careful to observe His ordinances." Jesus described this road to be "narrow" with only "few" who find it (Matthew 7:13-14). Therefore since walking in the truth is "like walking on a razor blade", so easy to fall to the left or right, accountability in the church, accountability in the conscience (conviction) is absolutely necessary.
Listening to godly and biblically sound, expository preaching that convicts the hearers of sin should not be shunned but embraced; and it most certainly is not reached through Satan, and it does not generate anyone to believe that they must do anything in order to be saved. If that is what you are getting, then you have not gotten it from Paul Washer's preaching; you've gotten it from something else - Satan putting thoughts into your mind, your own sin perhaps, or what have you. I'm talking about the source here.
When one becomes a Christian, they do not have to keep the law in order to be saved. Christ's work on the cross alone is what saves a person, justifies them, and declares them righteous before God. However, when one becomes a Christian, God writes His law on their hearts and causes them to strive after honoring it. Now the Law of Christ is not the same as the Law of Moses; therefore when one is saved, they are not led to keep the Old Covenant style law. The Law of Moses is fulfilled in Christ and is actually elevated; as Moses forbade murder, Christ forbids hatred; as Moses forbade adultery, Christ forbids lust. Moses required 10%, Jesus requires 100%. The striving for the law of Christ is not done in order to gain salvation, but because one has gained salvation already. Obedience to Christ is a fruit and evidence of the salvation only Christ has achieved. Without works faith is useless (James 2:20). Works is not the cause, but the evidence of the grace of God through faith.
When Jesus said His burden is light, He is referring to what Jesus requires of His people. The commandments of Christ are not a burden. Anyone who thinks the commandments are a burden needs to examine himself as to whether they're actually in the faith. God says His commandments aren't a burden. What a burden is, on the other hand, is sin and unrighteousness. Bondage to sin is what the burden is, not slavery to Christ.
I would say it is quite dangerous to pledge your allegiance to any one or few men regardless of the message they preach. The reason for this is because God hasn't visited just one man; He is working through multitudes and our allegiance and joy is in His word preached, not the men alone. Therefore you should expand your sphere of influence so that it is not centered on one man.
Last thing I will say, from the verse you quoted in Hebrews 4, the "rest from works." It does not mean that we live a relaxed and complacent lifestyle. We rest from any works by which we try to justify ourselves. We can give that struggle up as it is impossible to please God and be justified by deeds of the law. In this we rest completely and utterly. However, as we rest from striving to be accepted by God, we, from a renewed and resurrected life given to us by God in Christ, strive to do the will of God, keep His commandments, and do all for His glory. Ephesians 2:10 says God's people are His workmanship, created and redeemed in order to bring forth good works which God had prepared for us to walk in. Philippians 2:12 tells us to "work out our salvation with fear and trembling" - salvation being sanctification, not justification.