We had a 2 hour church service today with a visiting "missions" pastor who basically gave a salesman type of service for 2 hours on funding their ministry to train new pastors to go out and serve in India and several other countries. He went on and on about it costing $3,000 to train a pastor and asked for money over 15 times during the service saying that this is what God called us to do. Honestly, we left there feeling very depressed (the whole service was sad - showing films on poor children living in the slums in India, etc) and just such a push for money, money, money. This went on for 2 hours solid. What bugs is me that I felt leaving feeling battered and just bummed out. Is this normal? I like going to church and serving (I volunteer a lot at church, have done some mission work, etc), and I love coming out of church feeling motivated and refreshed for another few days - but today was different. Is it wrong for our pastor to bring someone in to do this, or is it wrong for me to feel so blah about it?
I think it would be good for you to consider speaking with your pastor. I think sometimes we get trapped into believing a certain way because we don't know any different way of doing things. Kinda like, it's a tradition that's been picked up and no one knows why they do it anymore.
Here's a few facts that you might want to share with your pastor. There are missionaries that serve in their own country all throughout the world.
There might still be a need for missionaries in some countries, but what we as Americans need to do is send financial help so the differing countries can minister the gospel to their own people. For instance, Gospel for Asia serves mostly South Asia and they have their own missionaries. They don't really need American missionaries. They need financial help though because they're a very poor country.
If you take one missionary from America to India and they have family, it takes thousands of dollars to support this missionary and family. They have to live in a house that's similar to what we have here. They don't normally live like the natives do. They have to have medical and dental coverage and have a certain diet of food and money for clothes and etc.
In contrast, I support two missionaries in India. Each one costs only $35.00 per month. They speak the native language, they live like the natives because they are one. They know and understand poverty and the hate from Hindu and Muslim and how to deal with it. They know their own people and how they respond and react. They are much more qualified to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God better than any foreigner. They love their own better than any other country can.
At one time, other countries didn't have their own missionaries because there wasn't any believers and so missionaries from the USA, The United Kingdom, etc were necessary at that point in history. Thank God for Paul who went to the Gentiles!!!
So here in this situation, and in todays world, I believe the money is such a waste that this missionary that came to your church was asking for. They need $3000.00 just to train a missionary? I shudder to think of the price it's going to cost to send the trained missionary there and back home again for holidays and all the living expenses that will be required.
The missionaries in India are well trained within their own country at little cost. They don't live in a special house and a high salary. They ride their bicycles from house to house to preach the good news. They know what it means to suffer for the Kingdoms sake for following in the steps of Jesus. They truly suffer and are persecuted by their own people. Americans in general don't like to suffer.
So money is better spent in helping other countries to train their own, to serve their own.
So my thinking is that the institutional church has always done things a certain way and old habits are hard to break when they aren't necessary anymore.
I remember missionaries coming to our church from India. They gave a short presentation without showing starving children. They were excited about what God was doing in their country and shared it with us. The excitement was kind of contagious.
Anyway, sorry if this is too much info, but I was hoping this information might help you in case your pastor has no idea about Gospel for Asia. Also I hope this is information others can use. I didn't know there were groups out there like GFA that desperately needs our help to reach their own. I like to use God's money wisely.
Also, I'm sorry you had a blah Sunday! Hopefully there won't be another one around the corner any time soon. But if the pastor doesn't hear from the congregation, he won't know to not do it again.