Lol if you read my post earlier in this thread you would already know the answer to your questions. Quit being so snotty and aggressive. If someone disagrees with you go on attack mode. I've read a lot of your posts and well you are plain mean and bitter.
I just love it...really I do
I don't even know you
I always go on attack mode according to those who twist the word and tell us just love everyone
what is going on in this thread, is typical of a false kind of peace...just love everyone...that is not Gd
so if you wish to consider me snotty and be my guest...
interesting how men will start calling women names like bitter and harpie and b**** when they find one that doesn't think she has to
kiss the ground they walk on
I have only posted concerning the attacks on your person at all
so, you know, I just look where it comes from and take it for what it is