I spoke with various non-believers for eight years on two different sites before joining this site. The attacks on me started immediately simply because I identify as Christian. It was quite an education... I used to tell my daughter some of the things they said to me; she was horrified and wondered how I could stand it. I think they hated on me all the more and intensified their attacks just because I would not back down from them, especially on the first site, which was a secular site with very little moderation. I have never had a Christian talk to me like atheists have. Also, it seemed to me that the most bitter atheists were ones that had at one time believed themselves to be born again Christians, and served in multiple ministries over many years before walking away from their faith. They would say, they had been deceived, without being able to admit that maybe they had somehow possibly been deceived into giving up their faith. Sad, for sure. Anyways, I do know what you mean, I just largely disagree, even while acknowledging that there are quite a few skirmishes between Christians, and harsh words spoken. Whatever you do, don't mention the Catholics
That's a whole 'nother conversation