It is not a prerequisit of God' to be spoken to by Him, but if and when He does speak to any individual, that individual knows it is not false in any manner, especially when it is accompanied by fruit of the Holy Spirit produced giving glory to God in Jesus Christ.
God is good, amazing, generous, and even humble, perfectly humble. He is so humble He actually used the likes of me
for a few wonderful works. By used me, I mean I was available, and He did all of the work. How can flesh, other than Jesus christ, do God's work unless He is doing it through that vessel.
What many do not understand or give credence to is the fact that they are doing good works ever day, every moment in believing Jesus Christ is Lord. I believe some believers think they are required to be like the Twelve, or Jesus, or Paul, when they already are like Him in faith.
When people tell you of their experiences with being utilized as vessels of the Lord, do not think you are "left out. All who have called upon the name of Jesus Christ have received the answer directly from God, and you just may be a far better servant than anyone claiming anything that seems like a big dea. Remember, miracles are everyday events in the lives of those who believe Jesus Christ. God bless all who are in Jesus Crhist and love Him, for this means you love all the members of His Body, and that would include me..............thank you for your love in Jesus Christ. I love you too.